order under composition of a positive definite quadratic form of negative discriminant in the class group.
15th July 2011. Added n-th power under composition of a binary positive definite quadratic form.
14th July 2011. Added composition of two binary positive definite quadratic forms of the same discriminant.
23rd June 2011. Added the partition number.
15th June 2011. Added the Kronecker symbol.
9th June 2011. Added Bernoulli numbers.
8th June 2011. Added Tangent numbers.
17th March 2011. Rewrote and simplifed code behind 2-adic square root.
15th March 2011. Rewrote and simplifed code behind p-adic square root, after a bug notification by Milton Minervino.
10th January 2011. Added Lu Pei's three-branched mapping conjecture.
28th December 2010. Added another interesting generalisation of the 3x-1 mapping arising from an example of Lu Pei (November 1997).
27th December 2010. Added an interesting generalisation of the 3x+1 mapping due to Walter Carnielli.
12th November 2010. Simplified the optimal cfrac program.
3rd November 2010. Added calculating the optimal continued fraction of √d for a range of consecutive d.
3rd November 2010. Added option of merely printing the continued fraction in optimal cfrac program.
5th September 2010. Added feature of finding all solutions y of φ(y) divides n to carmichael.html.
4th September 2010. Improved the logic of carmichael program - q[prime_count] now equals 0.
31st August 2010. Added tree diagram to carmichael.html.
26th August 2010. Added a program for solving φ(x)=n, where φ(x) is Euler's totient function.
22nd July 2010. Added Testing Mridul Sen's prime conjecture.
22nd July 2010. Added Generating Lucas pseudoprimes.
4th July 2010. Improved the code for initial_matrix($m,$n,$q) by using a suggestion of Alan Offer that I use the recurrence relations in his note.
30th June 2010. Got rid of the zero partial quotient in Finding the regular continued fraction of a rational multiple m/n of e1/q.
24th June 2010. Added Finding the regular continued fraction of a rational multiple m/n of e1/q.
24th June 2010. Added Another factorization of a 2x2 non-singular non-negative matrix.
18th June 2010. Added testing a quadratic surd for being NSCF-reduced. This is a different and more elegant test than a previous test, but does not produce the reduced NSCF predecessor.
28th May 2010. Replaced old nearest square continued fraction expansion by one which detects a reduced complete quotient using the Matthews-Robertson criterion.
19th May 2010. Added Example 8 of G. Venturini.
14th April 2010. Added Frequency (mod m) program for generalized 3x+1 mappings.
3rd January 2010. Added Fibonacci and Lucas numbers.
15th December 2009. Added testing a quadratic surd for being NSCF-reduced.
15th December 2009. Added testing a quadratic surd for being RCF-reduced.
17th November 2009. Replaced OCF program by faster version.
24th June 2009. Added Collatz type function of Mridul Sen.
29th March 2009. Added producing a quadratic surd equivalent to a given one.
17th March 2009. Added finding the positive and negative representations of a quadratic surd, as far as the end of the first period.
5th February 2009. Added listing the nearest square continued fraction of √d over a range of consecutive d.
5th February 2009. Added listing the nearest integer continued fraction of √d over a range of consecutive d.
5th February 2009. Added listing the simple continued fractionof √d over a range of consecutive d.
8th August 2008. Added an algorithm for solving
x2-xy-(D-1)/4y2=±1 using the nearest square continued fraction of (1+√D)/2, D≡ 1(mod 4).
7th August 2008. Added an algorithm for solving Pell's equation using the nearest square continued fraction algorithm (NSCF) and midpoint criteria.
7th August 2008. Added an algorithm for solving Pell's equation using the nearest integer continued fraction algorithm from Perron's book (NICF-P) and midpoint criteria.
28th April 2008. Added an algorithm for converting the RCF, up to the end of the first period, into the NICF (removed 18th August 2008).
18th April 2008. Added Selenius' algorithm for converting the RCF up to the end of the first period to the NSCF (removed 18th August 2008).
4th April 2008. Added the optimal continued fraction algorithm for rationals.
2nd April 2008. Added the choice of not printing the bk and uk / vk in the optimal continued fraction algorithm.
14th February 2008. Added the optimal continued fraction algorithm of Wieb Bosma.
2nd November 2007. Added nearest square continued fraction expansion of a quadratic rational.
2nd November 2007. Added nearest square Pell equation algorithm.
19th October 2007. Added nearest integer continued fraction expansion of a quadratic rational
18th October 2007. Added a second NICF expansion of m/n to nearest integer Euclidean algorithm.
11th October 2007. Added nearest integer Pell equation algorithm.
5th October 2007. Added nearest integer Euclidean algorithm.
13th February 2007. Added computing the period of the continued fraction expansion of √d.
9th February 2007. Added decimal to rational program.
7th February 2007. Added calculating the power of a quadratic irrational.
7th December 2006. Replaced continued fraction-based reduction algorithm for indefinite binary quadratic forms by Henri Cohen's reduction algorithm.
5th December 2006. Cleared up some remaining confusion regarding the reduction algorithm for indefinite binary quadratic forms. We now expand 1/τ and consequently make changes Fi = (-1)it/fi and the unimodular transformation becomes x = Y, y = -X + (-1)itgiY.
Cleared up some underlying confusion regarding the reduction algorithm for indefinite binary quadratic forms. We now find a unimodular matrix that transforms (a,b,c) to reduced form.
29th September 2006. Added testing the solubility of the negative Pell equation.
29th September 2006. Added the Grytczuk, Luca, Wojtowicz construction of non-square d such that the continued fraction of √d has odd length period, testing over ranges for u and v.
19th September 2006. Added finding the gcd of n positive integers.
19th September 2006. Added Calculating the quadratic irrationality whose simple continued fraction is given.
6th September 2006. Added the constructive version of the Aubry-Thue theorem.
28th August 2006. Added the Grytczuk, Luca, Wojtowicz construction of non-square d such that the continued fraction of √d has odd length period.
16th August 2006. Added σk(n) and λ(n).
20th July 2006. Added finding the continued fraction of the unique positive root of a trinomial axn+bxn-1+c.
20th July 2006. Added finding the continued fraction of the unique positive root of a trinomial axn+bx+c.
5th June 2006. Added perfect-power testing.
2nd June 2006. Added finding the simple continued fraction of the n-th root of a positive rational.
27th May 2006. Notice that the following BCMATH program shows that one has to use the bccomp() function in conditionals:
if($test1 > $test2){
echo "$test1 > $test2";
if($test1 == $test2){
echo "$test1 = $test2";
if($test1 < $test2){
echo "$test1 < $test2";
The program produces output
100000000000001415402032694799700273500898 = 100000000000001421659378396209449729633403
I will now have to start the tedious task of changing back to using bccomp().
26th May 2006. Added Representing an integer by a positive definite binary quadratic form.
20th May 2006. Added the option of printing the convergents in Calculating the simple continued fraction of a quadratic irrational.
3rd May 2006. Noticed that the Fox-Landi program is exiting prematurely and doesn't declare state 3 to be transient for the matrix.
This was due to double-counting and was easily fixed.
The bug was also present in Generalized 3x+1 functions and Markov matrices.
29th April 2006. Added finding the cyclic classes and cyclic form to the periodic matrix program.
10th March 2006. Fixed the error in Fox-Landi. It was due to my confusion in only adjoining elements ik+1,..,ir to Sik, instead of taking the unions of Sik+1,..,Sir with Sik.
9th March 2006. Fox-Landi is playing up again in relation to analysing Q(m)! eg. The program hangs when d=2,m=8,m[0]=1,m[1]=3,x[0]=0,x[1]=1.
25th February 2006. Added option of viewing transitions between classes in George Leigh's program.
25th February 2006. Added cycle-finding program for generalized 3x+1 functions.
24th February 2006. Added Example 7 of G. Venturini.
23rd February 2006. Added Example 1 of G. Venturini.
23rd February 2006. 3pm. I believe I have fixed the flaws in Fox-Landi. The error affected both programs for processing Q(m). There still remains an inefficiency due to my initial confusion about communicating transient states.
22nd February 2006. Found an error in Fox-Landi. I am currently working on it.
22nd February 2006. Added a program for finding the transition matrix of George Leigh's Markov chain Yn(x).
9th January 2006. Added finding the canonical form of the Markov matrix Q(m) arising from generalized 3x+1 functions.
6th January 2006. Added a verbose option to Fox_Landi program.
4th January 2006. Fixed an error in the construction of the permutation of rows and columns which gives the canonical form in the Fox-Landi program.
29th December 2005. Added the Fox-Landi algorithm. I'm still learning about _REQUEST, _SESSION etc. so there may be some bugs in the front end of this program.
14th June 2005. After an email from a user of binary.html, I realised I had absent-mindedly forgotten to print " no solution" in the case that an examinaton of the relevant cfracs revealed this to be the case in binary.html.
25th January 2005. Added padiclog.html. (Coded August 2004)
9th September 2004. Added the option of printing the complete quotients in surd.html.
8th August 2004. Added binary.html.
5th August 2004. Found a transcription error in squareroot_.php. Also wrote a better version of quadratic.html.
16th July 2004. Added patz.html.
15th July 2004. Fixed some bugs in squareroot_.php, which corresponded to bugs in BC program squareroot. These would have affected cornacchia.
21st May 2004. Added discrete_log.
21st May 2004. While adding cong and cong1 to library.php, I noticed a bug in finding squareroots (mod m). It was in a call to cong() instead of cong1 in sqroot1 in the file squareroot_.php.
21st May 2004. Adding more functions to library.php. This requires care to avoid clashes with other include files.
20th May 2004. More carelessness. Changed name of include file mpower.php to library.php in arithmeticm.php.
28th April 2004. Improved my use of include files by creating a large include file called library.php.
27th April 2004. Fixed a small global variable problem arising when calculating Ramanujan's tau function tau_composite(n). Having factored n and obtained global variables representing the prime factors q[i] and their exponents k[i], I inadvertently changed these on subsequent factorisations involved in calculating tau(q[i]).
22nd April 2004. Hopefully I've fixed problems concerning multiple declarations in include files.
22nd April 2004. Fixed a small printing bug in square roots (mod n), when omega(n)=1.
22nd April 2004. Started introducing some order in the way I used include files. This has been causing some errors.
21st April 2004. Added calculating Ramanujan's tau function.
16th April 2004. Added solving ax2+by2=m.
16th April 2004. Added finding square roots (mod n).
7th April 2004. Added Pollard p-1 to factoring program.
6th April 2004. Added ordma.