a11x1 + ⋯ + a1nxn ≡ b1 (mod q)
am1x1 + ⋯ + amnxn ≡ bm (mod q)
P and Q are unimodular matrices such that PAQ = diag(d1,...,dr,0,...,0), where r = rank(A) and d1,...,dr are positive integers such that di divides di+1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ r-1.
Write X = QY and K = PB. Then AX ≡ B (mod q) is equivalent to the system of congrences
d1y1 ≡ k1 (mod q)
dryr ≡ kr (mod q)
0 ≡ kr+1 (mod q)
0 ≡ kn (mod q).
If r = n, we get c1···cr solutions (mod q), otherwise we get c1···crqn-r solutions (mod q).
The augmented matrix [A|B] can be entered either
(i) as a string of m(n+1) integers separated by spaces, or
(ii) cut and pasted from a text file, with entries separated by spaces and each row ended by a newline.
We assume that [A|B] is not the zero matrix (mod q).
The author is grateful to Alan Offer for programming assistance with the recursive construction of the cartesian product.
Last modified 10th June 2015
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