number theorist names:C
- Anna Cadoret
- Jin-Yi Cai
- Tianxin Cai
- Yuanqing Cai
- Grant Cairns
- Bryden Cais
- Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School, Editors and authors, Bryden Cais, Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 242, 2019
- Compatibilities, correspondences, and integral structures in p-adic cohomology, PhD thesis, Bryden R. Cais, University of Michigan, 2007
- Talks by Bryden Cais
- Nenad Cakić
- Chris Caldwell
- Frank Calegari
- Neil Calkin
- Ismael Jiménez Calvo
- Francesco Campagna
- Pablo Candela
- Luca Candelori
- Victoria Cantoral Farfán
- Zhenfu Cao
- Laura Capuano
- Luca Caputo
- Mihai Caragiu
- Ana Caraiani
- David Cardon
- Dan Carmon
- Emanuel Carneiro
- Maria Carrizosa
- Problème de Lehmer relatif pour les variétés abéliennes CM, PhD thesis, Maria Carrizosa, Paris VI, 2008
- Daniel Caro
- Xavier Caruso
- Robert Cass
- Philippe Cassou-Noguès
- Francesc Castella
- Daniel Macias Castillo
- On Refined Conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Type for Hasse-Weil-Artin L-Series, David Burns, Daniel Macias Castillo, Memoirs of the AMS, Vol. 297, No. 1482, 2024
- On the values of derivatives of Dirichlet and Hasse-Weil L-functions, PhD thesis, Daniel Macias Castillo, Kings College, London, 2011
- Antonio Cauchi
- Martin Čech
- Francesco Cellarosi
- Jean-Paul Cerri
- Spectres euclidiens et inhomogènes des corps de nombres, PhD thesis, Jean-Paul Cerri, Université Nancy 1, 2005, available from Tel
- Umberto Cerruti
- Kęstutis Česnavičius
- Florent Chabaud
- Jasbir Chahal
- Ching-Li Chai
- Tuangrat Chaichana
- Adithya Chakravarthy
- Debopam Chakraborthy
- Kalyan Chakraborty
- Taboka Prince Chalebgwa
- Antoine Chambert-Loir
- Fernando Chamizo
- Hei-Chi Chan
- Chan Heng Huat
- Song Heng Chan
- Stephanie Chan
- Tsz Ho Chan
- Wai Kiu Chan (email only)
- Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Contemporary Mathematics 587 AMS 2013
- Quadratic Forms-Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry, Ed. Ricardo Baeza, Wai Kiu Chan, Detlev W. Hoffmann, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Contemporary Mathematics 493, AMS 2009
- Vorrapan Chandee
- Chieh-Yu Chang
- Mei-Chu Chang
- Sungkon Chang
- Hugo Chapdelaine
- Scott Chapman
- Denis Xavier Charles
- Pierre Charollois
- Tapas Chatterjee
- Dimitrios Chatzakos
- Sneha Chaubey
- M.P. Chaudhary
- Sara Checcoli
- Mohamed Mahmoud Chems-Eddin
- Evan Chen
- Hao Chen
- Imin Chen
- Shi-Chao Chen
- Chen Shuwen
- William Chen
- A Panorama of Discrepancy Theory, Eds. William Chen, Anand Srivastav, Giancarlo Travaglini, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2107, Springer 2014
- Analytic Number Theory, Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, Ed. William Chen, Timothy Gowers, Heini Halberstam, Wolfgang Schmidt, Robert Vaughan, CUP 2009
- Irregularities of Distribution, W. Chen, J. Beck, Cambridge Tract 89, CUP 1987
- William Yun Chen
- Yen-Mei Chen
- Yonggao Chen
- Gaëtan Chenevier
- Kell Hiu Fai Cheng
- Qi Cheng
- Gilyoung Cheong
- Giacomo Cherubini
- Wen-Chen Chi
- Masataka Chida
- Shiva Chidambaram
- Nancy Childress
- Lindsay Childs
- Ted Chinburg
- Gautam Chinta
- Karsten Chipeniuk
- Liubomir Chiriac
- Andrés Chirre
- Peter Jaehyun Cho
- Sungmun Cho
- Stephen Choi
- Suh Hyun Choi
- YoungJu Choie
- Holomorphic Automorphic Forms and Cohomology, Roelof Bruggeman, Youngju Choie, Nikolaos Diamantis, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 253, No. 1212, AMS, 2018
- On Robin's criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis (YoungJu Choie, Nicholas Lichiardopol, Pieter Moree, Patrick Solé)
- Kwangho Choiy
- Przemyslaw Chojecki
- , PhD thesis, Przemyslaw Chojecki, école Doctorale Paris Centre,
- Ajai Choudhry (see mention in book by George Szpiro
- Andrés Chirre
- Sam Chow
- Gilles Christol
- Vladimir Nikolaevich Chubarikov
- David and Gregory Chudnovsky
- Additive Number Theory, Ed. David Chudnovsky, Gregory Chudnovsky, Springer 2010
- New York Number Theory Seminar 1991-1995, (Ed) D.V. Chudnovsky, G.V. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn, M.B. Nathanson, Springer 1996
- Additive Number Theory: Inverse Problems and the Geometry of Sumsets, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 165, Springer 1996
- New York Number Theory Seminar 1989-1990, (Ed) D.V. Chudnovsky, G.V. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn, M.B. Nathanson, Springer 1991
- Wikipedia article on the Chudnovsky brothers
- Johann Cigler
- Pieter Cijsouw
- Javier Cilleruelo
- Mirela Çiperiani
- Mihai Cipu
- Pete Clark
- Alessandro Cobbe
- Cristian Cobelli
- Todd Cochrane
- Paolo Codeca
- James Cogdell
- Francis Coghlan
- Graeme Cohen (email only)
- Henri Cohen
- Numerical Algorithms for Number Theory: Using Pari/GP, Karim Belabas, Henri Cohen, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 254, AMS 2019
- Explicit Methods for Solving Diophantine Equations, Henri Cohen, Arizona winter School, Tuscon 2006
- Sage Days 16: UPC Barcelona, Spain - Computational Number Theory, June 22-27, 2009 (transcripts and videos of talks including Experimental methods in number theory and analysis by Henri Cohen)
- Number Theory Vol I: Tools and Diophantine Equations Vol II: Analytic and Modern Tools, Henri Cohen, Springer-Verlag - Graduate Texts in Mathematics 239 and 240, May 2007, Errata (pdf)
- Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, H. Cohen, G. Frey, R.M. Avanzi, C. Doche, T. Lange, K. Nguyen, F. Vercauteren, CRC Press, July 2005
- A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, (Corrected Third Printing), H. Cohen, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 138, Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-55640-0 (Errata), Review, Hale Trotter, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 (1994), 312-318
- Computational class field theory, A course given at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1997 by Henri Cohen (dvi file)
- Advanced topics in computational number theory, H. Cohen, Graduate Text 193, Springer, January 2000
- Binary Cubic Forms and Cubic Number Fields
- Paula Cohen (Paula Tretkoff)
- Stephen Cohen
- Henry Cohn
- Geometry of numbers, C.D. Olds, A. Lax, G. Davidoff, New Library Series 41, MAA 2000 (Review by Henry Cohn)
- Alina Carmen Cojocaru
- Mark Coleman
- Jean-Louis Colliot-Thelene
- Arithmetic Geometry, Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 10-15, 2007, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Paul Vojta, Pietro Corvaja, Carlo Gasbarri (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2009, 2010
- Pierre Colmez
- Ian Connell
- Brian Conrad
- Notes on the Oxford IUT workshop by Brian Conrad
- Complex Multiplication and Lifting Problems, Ching-Li Chai, Brian Conrad, Frans Oort, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 195, January 2014, AMS
- Grothendieck Duality, B. Conrad, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1750, 2002
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, B. Conrad, K. Rubin (Editors), IAS/Park City Mathematics Series 9, AMS 2001
- Keith Conrad
- Marc Conrad
- Brian Conrey
- Review by Brian Conrey of Henryk Iwaniec's book Lectures on the Riemann Zeta Function, Bulletin of the Amer. math. Soc, January 2016
- Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory, Brian Conrey, David Farmer, F. Mezzadri, Nina Snaith, LMS Lecture notes 341, CUP 2007
- The Riemann Hypothesis, B. Conrey, Notices of the AMS, 341-353, March 2003
- Katia Consani
- Petru Constantinescu
- Andrea Conti
- Scott Contini
- Gwynneth Coogan
- Michael Coons
- Shaun Cooper
- Giovanni Coppola
- Nirvana Coppola
- Patrick Corn
- Pietro Cornacchia
- Gunther Cornelissen
- Gary Cornell
- Christophe Cornut
- Chip Corrigan
- Leo Corry
- Pietro Corvaja
- Applications of Diophantine Approximation to Integral Points and Transcendence, Pietro Corvaja, Umberto Zannier, Cambridge Tract 212, 2018,
Review by Michael Berg
- Integral Points on Algebraic Varieties: An Introduction to Diophantine Geometry, Pietro Corvaja, Hindustan Book Agency, 2016
- Arithmetic Geometry, Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 10-15, 2007, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Paul Vojta, Pietro Corvaja, Carlo Gasbarri (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2009, 2010
- John Cosgrave
- Edgar Costa
- Patrick Costello
- Renaud Coulangeon
- Jean-Marc Couveignes
- David Covert
- David Cox
- Primes of the Form x2+ny2: Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication, Third Edition with Solutions, David Cox, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Volume 387, December 2022,
- Visualizing the Sieve of Eratosthenes, David N. Cox, AMS Notices, May 2008, 55
- Galois Theory, David Cox, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
- Primes of the Form x2+ny2, David Cox, Wiley 1989
- Nicholas Coxon
- James Coykendall
- William Craig
- John Cremona
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database, John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight, AMS Notices October, 2021
- MWRANK, a program for finding the rank of an elliptic curve over the rationals (John Cremona)
- Algorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves, J.E. Cremona, CUP 1992
- John Cremona's Elliptic Curve Data
- Modular Curves and Abelian Varieties, Ed. John Cremona, Joan-Carles Lario, Jordi Quer, Ken Ribet, Birkhäuser 2005
- Brendan Creutz
- Wolfgang Creyaufmüller
- Karl-Dieter Crisman
- Ernest Croot
- János A. Csirik
- Michaela Cully-Hugill
- Clifton Cunningham
- Thomas Cusick
- Stream Ciphers and Number Theory, T.W. Cusick, C. Ding, A. Renvall, Akademika, Norway
- The Markhoff and Lagrange Spectra, T.W. Cusick, M.E. Flahive, CBMS Monograph 30, AMS 1989, Review, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 24 (1991), 419-424
- Pamela Cutter
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