number theorist names:D
- Tuan Ngo Dac
- Alexander Dahl
- Sander Dahmen
- Ryan Daileda
- Chandan Singh Dalawat
- Pantelis Damianou
- Pranendu Darbar
- Henri Darmon
- Heegner Points, Stark-Heegner Points, and Diagonal Classes, Massimo Bertolini, Henri Darmon, Victor Rotger, Marco Adamo Seveso, Rodolfo Venerucci, Astérisque Volume: 434, 2022
- Henri Darmon was awarded the 2017 Cole Prize in Number Theory
- Arithmetic Geometry, Ed. Henri Darmon, David Alexandre Ellwood, Brendan Hassett, Yuri Tschinkel, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, November 2009
- Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series, Edited by Henri Darmon, Shou-wu Zhang, CUP October 2004
- Periods of Hilbert modular forms and rational points on elliptic curves, Adam Logan and Henri Darmon
- Rational Points on Modular Elliptic Curves, Henri Darmon, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 101, AMS 2004
- Review of Euler Systems, Reviewer: Henri Darmon
- A proof of the full Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture is announced, Henri Darmon, Notices of the AMS, December 1999
- Refined class number formulas for derivatives of L-series, PhD Thesis, Henri Darmon, Harvard 1991
- Omran (Emran) Ahmadi Darvishvand
- Abhijit Das
- Pranabesh Das
- Soumya Das
- Samit Dasgupta
- Jean-François Dat
- Boris Datskovsky
- Austin Daughton
- A Hecke Correspondence for Automorphic Integrals with Infinite Log-Polynomial Periods, PhD thesis, Austin Daughton, Temple University, 2012
- Simon Dauguet
- James Davenport
- Chantal David
- Sinnou David
- Morley Davidson
- Christopher Davis
- Maddie Dawsey
- Mahadi Ddamulira
- Alice Deanin
- Korneel Debaene
- Gregory Debruyne
- Christophe Debry
- Jean-Marie De Koninck
- The Life of Primes in 37 Episodes, Jean-Marie De Koninck, Nicolas Doyon, AMS 2021
- Analytic Number Theory: Exploring the Anatomy of Integers, Jean-Marie De Koninck & Florian Luca, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Number 134, AMS 2012
- Those Fascinating Numbers, Jean-Marie De Koninck, AMS 2009
- Anatomy of Integers, ed. Jean-Marie De Koninck, Andrew Granville, Florian Luca, CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes, 46, August 2008
- 1001 Problems in Classical Number Theory, Jean-Marie De Koninck, Armel Mercier, AMS May 2007
- Paul-Olivier Dehaye
- Anton Deitmar
- Ilaria Del Corso
- Marc Deléglise
- Christophe Delaunay
- Daniel Delbourgo
- Pierre Deligne
- Matt DeLong
- Lassina Dembélé
- Spencer Dembner
- Julian Lawrence Demeio
- Vadim Andreevich Dem'yanenko
- Jan Denef
- Christopher Deninger
- Vinay Deolalikar
- On splitting places of degree one in extensions of algebraic function fields, towers of function fields meeting asymptotic bounds and basis constructions for algebraic-geometric codes,, PhD thesis, Vinay Deolalikar, University of Southern California 1999
- Maarten Derickx
- Chabauty, a Magma package for doing explicit Chabauty computations (Maarten Derickx)
- Bruno Deschamps
- Julie Desjardins
- Yvo Desmedt
- Kévin Destagnol
- Jesse Deutsch
- Lucile Devin
- Elena Deza
- Lucia Di Vizio
- Nikolaos Diamantis
- Fred Diamond
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 1, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 414, CUP 2014
- Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, Volume 2, Ed. Fred Diamond, Payman Kassaei, Minhyong Kim, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 415, CUP 2014
- A First Course in Modular Forms, Fred Diamond, Jerry Shurman, Graduate Text 228, Springer January 2005, Errata, Review by Frank Calegari, Bull. AMS. 43 (2006), 415-421
- Harold Diamond
- Beurling Generalized Numbers, Harold Diamond, Wen-Bin Zhang, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 213, AMS 2016
- A Higher-Dimensional Sieve Method With Procedures for Computing Sieve Functions, Harold Diamond, Heini Halberstam, Will Galway, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 177 2008
- Analytic Number Theory, An Introductory Course, Paul Bateman & Harold Diamond, World Scientific, September 2004
- Analytic Number Theory: Proceedings of Conference in Honour of Heini Halberstam (ed) B.C. Berndt, H.G. Diamond, A.J. Hildebrandt, Progress in Mathematics 139, Birkhaüser 1966
- Jack Diamond
- On the p-Adic Log Gamma Function and Its Application to Leopoldt's p-Adic l-Functions, PhD thesis, Jack Diamond, Princeton University 1975
- Francisco Diaz y Diaz
- Detta Dickinson
- Robert Dicks
- Martin Dickson
- Claus Diem
- Rainer Dietmann
- Luis Dieulefait
- Arithmetic and Geometry, Ed. Luis Dieulefait, D.R. Heath-Brown, Yu. V. Manin, B. Z. Moroz, Jean-Pierre Wintenberger, CUP 2015
- Ayhan Dil
- Karl Dilcher
- Gabriel Dill
- Mladen Dimitrov
- Vesselin Dimitrov
- Bogdan Adrian Dina
- Yuchen Ding
- Daniel Disegni
- Atul Dixit
- John Dixon
- Goran Djanković
- Edward Dobrowolski
- Christophe Doche
- Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, H. Cohen, G. Frey, R.M. Avanzi, C. Doche, T. Lange, K. Nguyen, F. Vercauteren, CRC Press, July 2005
- Mahler measure and real roots of certain family of polynomials, PhD thesis, Christophe Doche, University of Bordeaux, 2000
- Bruce Dodson
- Maurice Dodson
- Netan Dogra
- Tim Dokchitser
- Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations, L. Berger, G. Böckle, L. Dembélé, M. Dimitrov, T. Dokchitser, J. Voight, Birkhäuser, 2013
- Series of lectures on The Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer and parity conjectures for elliptic curves, by Tim Dokchitser (Cambridge), Barcelona, CRM, November 30-December 4, 2009
- Computing special values of L-functions (PARI package by Tim Dokchitser)
- Deformations of p-divisible groups and p-descent on elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Tim Dokchitser, Utrecht 2000
- Vladimir Dokchitser
- Cayo Dória
- David Dorman
- Andrea Dotto
- Ze-Li Dou
- Jason Doucette
- Darrin Doud
- John Doyle
- Greg Doyle
- Nicolas Doyon
- Sary Drappeau
- Konstantinos Draziotis
- Greg Dresden
- François Dress
- Robert Dressler
- Michael Drinen
- Iwasawa mu-Invariants of Selmer Groups, PhD Thesis, Michael Drinen, University of Washington 1999
- Vladimir Drinfel'd
- Michael Drmota
- Paulius Drungilas
- Arturas Dubickas
- MacTutor biography
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Proceedings of the Third Intern. Conf. in Honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24-28 September 2001, (eds. A. Dubickas, A. Laurincikas and E. Manstavicius)
- Isabelle Dubois
- Virgile Ducet
- Adrian Dudek
- Eduardo Dueñez
- Andrej Dujella
- Web page with the basic information on Andrej Dujella's new book "Diophantine m-tuples and Elliptic Curves", Springer, 2024.
The page also contains a link to an updated version of a List of Open Problems on Diophantine m-tuples and elliptic curves.
- Lie Groups, Number Theory, and Vertex Algebras, Ed. Dražen Adamović, Andrej Dujella, Antun Milas, Pavle Pandžić, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 768, AMS 2021
- Number Theory, Andrej Dujella, Zagreb, 2021, MAA review,
Review by Jean-Paul Allouche
- What is a Diophantine m-tuple? (Andrej Dujella)
- Diophantine m-tuples (Andrej Dujella)
- History of elliptic curves rank records (Andrej Dujella)
- High rank elliptic curves with prescribed torsion (Andrej Dujella)
- Neil Dummigan
- David Dummit
- Evan Dummit
- Ivo Düntsch
- William Duke
- Analytic Number Theory: A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet, Ed. William Duke, Yuri Tschinkel, Clay Mathematics Proceedings 7, AMS 2007
- Continued fractions and modular functions, William Duke, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 42 (2005), 137-162
- Review of Character sums with exponential functions and their applications, S. Konyagin, I. Shparlinski (Reviewer: W. Duke)
- Some old problems and new results about quadratic forms, William Duke, Notices of the AMS, 44, February 1997
- Alexander Dunn
- Sylvain Duquesne
- Seth Dutter
- Daniel Duverney
- Roberto Dvornicich
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