Online Theses in Number Theory

[ 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1986 | 1981 ]
  1. Elliptic curves over Galois number fields, PhD thesis, Ross Paterson, University of Glasgow 2023
  2. The Kloosterman circle method and weighted representation numbers of positive definite quadratic forms, PhD thesis, Edna Jones, Rutgers University 2022
  3. Low degree points on modular curves, PhD thesis, Josha Box, University of Warwick, 2021
  4. Arithmetic combinatorics on Vinogradov systems and related topics, PhD thesis, Akshat Mudgal, University of Bristol, 2021
  5. The variance of sums of arithmetic functions, PhD thesis, Ofir Gorodetsky, Tel Aviv University 2021
  6. Combinatorial and asymptotic statistical properties of partitions and unimodal sequences, PhD thesis, Walter Bridges, Louisiana State University, 2020
  7. Explicit division and torsion points on superelliptic Curves and jacobians, PhD thesis, Vishal Arul, MIT 2020
  8. Contributions to the theory of modular forms and L-functions, PhD thesis, Johann Franke, University of Heidelberg 2020
  9. Digits of prime numbers and other remarkable sequence, PhD thesis, Cathy Swaenepoel, Université d'Aix-Marseilles, 2019
  10. Unlikely intersections with isogeny orbits, PhD thesis, Gabriel Dill, University of Basel 2019
  11. On additive problems involving shifted integers and ellipsephic sets, PhD thesis, Kirsti Biggs, University of Bristol, 2019
  12. Inverse Jacobian and related topics for certain superelliptic curves, PhD thesis, Anna Somoza, UPC Barcelona and Leiden University 2019
  13. Arithmetic of Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel modular forms, PhD thesis, Biplab Paul, 2019, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai, India
  14. Metodi Elementari nello studio della distribuzione dei Numeri Primi (Elementary methods in the study of prime numbers distribution), Bachelor degree thesis, Chiara Bellotti, Università di Pisa, 2018/2019
  15. Diophantine equations in positive characteristic, PhD thesis, Peter Koymans, Leiden University, 2019
  16. Applications of the Riemann Hypothesis over Finite Fields in Analytic Number Theory, PhD thesis, Dante Bonolis, ETH 2028
  17. Hasse-Weil inequality and primality tests in the context of curves of genus 2, PhD thesis, Eduardo Ruíz Duarte, University of Groningen 2018
  18. Topics in Multiplicative and Probabilistic Number Theory, PhD thesis, Alexander Mangerel, University of Toronto 2018
  19. On special elements for p-adic representations and higher rank Iwasawa theory at arbitrary weights, PhD thesis, Kwok-Wing Tsoi, King's College, London, 2018
  20. Lang-Trotter Questions on the Reductions of Abelian Varieties, PhD thesis, Samuel Bloom, University of Maryland, 2018
  21. Répartition des points rationnels sur certainesclasses de variétés algébriques, PhD thesis, Kévin Destagnol,
  22. Approximation diophantienne sur les variétés projectives et les groupes algébriques commutatifs, PhD thesis, François Ballaÿ, Université Clermont Auvergne 2017
  23. Dynamical systems and zeta functions of function fields, PhD thesis, Dan Nichols, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2017
  24. Ramified lifts of Galois representations and dimension of ordinary deformation rings, PhD thesis, Mohammed Zuhair Mullath, UCLA, 2017
  25. Dynamical Systems and Zeta Functions of Function Fields, PhD thesis, Daniel Nichols, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2017
  26. Counterexamples related to the Sato–Tate conjecture, PhD thesis, Daniel Miller, Cornell University, 2017
  27. Perfect Triangles : Rational points on Elliptic Curves, PhD thesis, Shahrina Ismail, University of Queensland, 2017
  28. Average Frobenius Distributions for Elliptic Curves: Extremal Primes and Koblitz's Conjecture, PhD thesis, Luke M. Giberson, Clemson University, 2017
  29. Indefinite Theta Functions and Zeta Functions, PhD thesis, Gene S. Kopp, University of Michigan, 2017
  30. Propriétés algébriques et analytiques de certaines suites indexées par les nombres premiers, PhD thesis, Lucile Devin, Université d'Orsay, 2017
  31. Dyamical systems and zeta functions of function fields, PhD thesis, Daniel Nichols, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2017
  32. On certain exponential and character sums, PhD thesis, Bryce Denis Kerr, University of New South Wales, 2017
  33. Moments and zeros of L-functions over function fields, PhD thesis, Alexandra Florea, Stanford University, 2017
  34. Perfect Triangles : Rational points on Elliptic Curves , PhD thesis, Shahrina Ismail, Unoversity of Queensland, 2017
  35. On the local Langlands correspondence: new examples from the epipelagic zone, PhD thesis, Beth Romano, Boston College, 2016
  36. Analogues du théorème de Brauer-Siegel pour quelques familles de courbes elliptiques, PhD thesis, Richard Griffon, Université Paris Diderot, 2016
  37. Shimura curves and their p-adic uniformizations, PhD thesis, Piermarco Milione, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 2016
  38. Minimal indices of pure cubic fields, MSc thesis, Jeewon Yoo, University of British Columbia, 2016
  39. Computational aspects of modular parameterizations of elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Hao Chen, University of Washington, 2016
  40. Quadratic form Gauss sums, PhD thesis, Greg Doylem Carleton University, Ottawa, 2016
  41. Lattice point problems in the hyperbolic plane, PhD thesis, Dimitrios Chatzakos, University College London, 2016
  42. Higher rank sieves and applications, PhD thesis, Akshaa Vatwani, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, 2016
  43. Topics in divisibility: pairwise coprimality, the GCD of shifted sets and polynomial irreducibility, PhD thesis, Randell Heyman, University of NSW, 2015
  44. Multiple Eisenstein series and q-analogues of multiple zeta values, PhD thesis, Henrik Bachmann, University of Hamburg, 2015
  45. Heights of generalized Heegner cycles, PhD thesis, Ari Shnidman, University of Michigan, 2015
  46. Subconvexity for a twisted double Dirichlet series and non-vanishing of L-functions, PhD thesis, Alexander Dahl, University of Toronto, 2015
  47. The Riemann Hypothesis for Varieties over Finite Fields, Undergraduate thesis, Sander Mack-Crane, Case Western Reserve University, 2015
  48. Darstellungstheorie Drinfeld’scher Modulformen, PhD thesis, Enrico Varela Roldán, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, 2015
  49. Dedekind sums, M. Res. Simon Macourt, Macquarie University, Australia, 2015
  50. Curves of low genus and applications to Diophantine problems, PhD thesis, Natalia Cristina Garcia Fritz, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, 2015 Obstruction criteria for modular deformation problems, PhD thesis, Jeffrey Hatley, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2015
  51. Generalizations of Darmon's conjecture and the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture, PhD thesis, Takamichi Sano, Keio University 2014
  52. Local-Global principles for linear spaces on hypersurfaces, PhD thesis, Julia Brandes, University of Bristol 2014
  53. Geometric Lang-Vojta Conjecture in ℙ2, PhD thesis, Amos Turchet, Università degli Studi di Udine, 2014
  54. The average elliptic curve has few integral points, Senior thesis, Levent Alpöge, Harvard University, 2014
  55. On Some Problems in Transcendental Number Theory and Diophantine Approximation, PhD thesis, Nguyen, Ngoc Ai Van, University of Ottawa, 2014
  56. Quantitative topics in arithmetic combinatorics, PhD thesis, Thomas Bloom, University of Bristol, 2014
  57. Topics in analytic number theory, PhD, Alastair James Irving, Oxford University, 2014
  58. Calculs explicites en théorie d'Iwasawa, PhD thesis, Firmin Varescon, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 2014
  59. Lp-estimates for arithmetic sequences and quadratic forms on dense sets, PhD thesis, Eugen Keil, University of Bristol, 2013
  60. RSubconvexity and shifted convolution sums over number fields, PhD thesis, Péter Maga, Central European University 2013
  61. Special values of anticyclotomic l-functions, PhD thesis, Alia Hamieh, University of British Columbia 2013
  62. The statistics of the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function and related topics, Phd thesis, Brad Rogers, University of California, Los Angeles, 2013
  63. Quadratic forms on modular curves, PhD thesis, David Krumm, University of Georgia, 2013
  64. The self-power map and its image modulo a prime, PhD thesis, Catalina V. Anghel, University of Toronto, 2013
  65. Sur deux problèmes concernant les coefficients de Laurent-Stieltjes des séries L de Dirichlet, PhD thesis, Sumaia Saad Eddin, Lille, 2013
  66. Images des représentations galoisiennes, PhD thesis, Samuele Anni, L'Université Bordeaux I, 2013
  67. Topics in analytic number theory, PhD thesis, Robert Lemke Oliver, Emory University, 2013
  68. p-adic verification of class number computations, PhD thesis, Yinan Zhang, University of Sydney, 2013
  69. Shimura images of a family of half-integral weight modular forms, PhD thesis, Kenneth Brown, University of South Carolina - Columbia, 2013
  70. Non commutative Iwasawa theory for Selmer groups of abelian varieties over global function fields, PhD thesis, Maria Valentino, Università della Calabria, 2013
  71. On special values of Pellarin's L-series, PhD thesis, Rudolph Perkins, Ohio State University, 2013
  72. Moments of the Dedekind zeta function, PhD thesis, Winston Heap, University of York, 2013
  73. On the variation of (φ,Γ)-modules over p-adic families of automorphic forms, PhD thesis, John F. Bergdall, Brandeis University, 2013
  74. On the Cryptanalysis of Public-Key Cryptography, PhD thesis, Joppe Willem Bos, EPL Lausanne, 2012
  75. On Weber's class number problem, PhD thesis, Takayuki Morisawa , Waseda University, 2012
  76. A study on elliptic modular forms of weight one, PhD thesis, Kyushu University, 2012
  77. Modular forms and elliptic curves, MSc thesis, Dimitrios Chatzakos, University of Athens 2012
  78. The Change in Lambda Invariants for Cyclic p-Extensions of Zp-Fields, PhD thesis, Jordan Schettler, University of Arizona, 2012
  79. A Hecke Correspondence for Automorphic Integrals with Infinite Log-Polynomial Periods, PhD thesis, Austin Daughton, Temple University, 2012
  80. Polynomial root separation and applications, PhD thesis, Tomislav Pejković, Université de Strasbourg, University of Zagreb, 2012
  81. Controlling Ramification in Number Fields, PhD thesis, Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo, Stanford University, 2012
  82. Mean value estimates and applications in arithmetic combinatorics, PhD thesis, Sean Prendiville, Universty of Bristol, 2012
  83. Eigenforms of Half-Integral Weight, PhD thesis, Soma Purkait, University of Warwick, 2012
  84. Limit theorems for integer partitions and their generalisations, PhD thesis, Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona, Universiteit Stellenbosch, 2012
  85. Cyclotomic Matrices over Quadratic Integer Rings, PhD thesis, Gary Greaves, University of London, 2012
  86. Irreducibility Criteria for Polynomials With Non-negative Integer Coefficients and the Prime Factorization of f(n) for f(x) in ℤ[x], PhD thesis, Samuel Gross, University of South Carolina, 2012
  87. Twists of Shimura Curves, PhD thesis, Jim Stankewicz, University of Georgia, 2012
  88. Heights of Polynomials, PhD thesis, Jonas Jankauskas, Vilnius University, 2012
  89. Manin's conjecture for del Pezzo surfaces, PhD thesis. Daniel Loughran, University of Bristol, 2011
  90. Galois representations attached to type (1, χ) modular forms, MSc thesis, Andrea Ferraguti, Concordia University, 2011
  91. On large gaps between consecutive zeros, on the critical line, of some zeta-functions, PhD thesis, Johan Bredberg, University of Oxford, 2011
  92. On some Problems of Algebraic Independence of Values of Modular Functions, Masters thesis, Faustin Adiceam, Paris VI, 2011
  93. On the values of derivatives of Dirichlet and Hasse-Weil L-functions, PhD thesis, Daniel Macias Castillo, Kings College, London, 2011
  94. Superposition of zeros of automorphic L-functions and functoriality, PhD thesis, Timothy Gillespie, University of Iowa, 2011
  95. Points de Darmon et variétés de Shimura, PhD thesis, Jérôme Gärtner, Paris 2011
  96. Lower order terms of moments of L-functions, PhD thesis, Rishikesh, University of Waterloo, 2011
  97. Divisibility Properties of Kloosterman Sums and Division Polynomials for Edwards Curves, PhD thesis, Richard Moloney, University College Dublin, 2011
  98. Zeros and asymptotics of holonomic sequences, PhD thesis, Rob Noble, Dalhousie University 2011
  99. Numerically explicit estimates for character sums, PhD thesis, Enrique Treviño, Dartmouth College 2001
  100. On a generalization of the rank one Rubin-Stark conjecture, PhD thesis, Daniel Vallières, University of California, San Diego, 2011
  101. Computing Degree 1 L-functions Rigorously, PhD thesis, Dave Platt, University of Bristol, 2011 Modular curves, Arakelov theory, algorithmic applications, PhD thesis, Universiteit Leiden, 1 September 2010
  102. Further result's on Gram's law, PhD thesis, Timothy Trudgian, Oxford University, 2010
  103. On the Amount of Sieving in Factorization Methods, PhD thesis, Willemien Ekkelkamp, Leiden university, 2010
  104. Speeding up integer multiplication and factorization, PhD thesis, Alexander Kruppa, Université Henri Poincareacute;, Nancy 1, 2010
  105. Models of genus one curves, PhD thesis, Mohamed Sadek, Cambridge University, 2010
  106. Arithmetic Properties of Apollonian Circle Packings, PhD thesis, Elena Fuchs, Princeton, 2010
  107. Moments, Period Functions and Cotangent Sums, PhD thesis, Sandro Bettin, University of Bristol, 2010
  108. On local Galois representations attached to automorphic forms, PhD thesis, Narasimha Kumar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, 2010
  109. Generalized and restricted multiplication tables of integers, PhD thesis, Dimitris Koukoulopoulos, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010
  110. Dynamical methods for rapid computations of L-functions, PhD thesis, Pankaj Vishe, NYU 2010
  111. Cyclotomic Matrices and Graphs, PhD thesis, Graeme Taylor, University of Edinburgh, 2010
  112. The Sieve Problem in One-and Two-Dimensions, PhD thesis, Kjell Wooding, University of Calgary, 2010
  113. On the distribution of the values of arithmetical functions, PhD thesis, Mehdi Hassani, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran & Université de Bordeaux, France, December 2010
  114. Steinitz classes of tamely ramified galois extensions of algebraic number fields, PhD thesis, Alessandro Cobbe, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, 2010
  115. Height Bounds for n-Coverings, PhD thesis, Graham Sills, Cambridge, 2010
  116. Strings of congruent primes in short intervals, PhD thesis, Tristan Freiberg, Université de Montréal, 2010
  117. Prime Numbers and Polynomials, PhD thesis, Luca Goldoni, University of Trento, 2010
  118. Empirical evidence for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, PhD thesis, Robert L. Miller, U. Washington, 2010
  119. Explicit second p-descent on elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Brendan Creutz, Jacobs University, Bremen, 2010
  120. Complex multiplication of abelian surfaces, PhD thesis, Marco Streng, Leiden 2010
  121. Sur quelques questions d'équidistribution en géométrie arithmétique, PhD thesis, Rodolphe Richard, Rennes 2009
  122. Explicit Algorithms for Humbert Surface, PhD thesis, David Gruenewald, University of Sydney, 2009
  123. L-invariants of low symmetric powers of modular forms and Hida deformations, PhD thesis, Robert Harron, Princeton 2009
  124. Points de torsion des courbes elliptiques et équations diophantines, PhD thesis, Nicolas Billerey, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2009
  125. Comptage asymptotique et algorithmique d'extensions cubiques relatives, PhD thesis, Anna Morra, Bordeaux I, 2009
  126. On Potential Automorphy, and other topics in Number Theory, PhD thesis, Thomas Barnet-Lamb, Harvard University 2009
  127. On Euclidean Ideal Classes, PhD thesis, Hester K. Graves, U. Michigan 2009
  128. Applications of Sieve Methods in Analytic Number Theory, PhD thesis, Kaisa Matomäki, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2009
  129. Sur la distribution des valeurs de la fonction zéta de Riemann et des fonctions L aux bord de la bande critique, PhD thesis, Youness Lamzouri, University of Montreal, 2009
  130. Theoretical and algorithmic aspects of congruences between modular Galois representations , PhD thesis, Xavier Taixés i Ventosa, Universität Duisberg-Essen, 2009
  131. Some aspects of analytic number theory: parity, transcendence, and multiplicative functions, Ph.D. Thesis, Michael Coons, Simon Fraser University, 2009
  132. Hypergeometric functions and Mahler measure, PhD thesis, Mathew Rogers, University of British Columbia, 2008
  133. Drinfeld, Modules de Fonctions L Mathématiques Théorèmes de réciprocité , PhD thesis, Floric Tavares Ribeiro, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 2008
  134. Problems in number theory related to mathematical physics, PhD, Rikard Olofsson, KTH Stockholm 2008
  135. Nombres d’intersection arithmétique et opérateurs de Hecke sur les courbes modulaires X0(N), PhD thesis, Ricardo Menares, Université Paris Sud 11, 2008
  136. Classical and modular methods applied to Diophantine equations, Sander Dahmen, Utrecht University, 2008
  137. On twisted Kloosterman sums and cubic exponential sums, PhD thesis, Benoit Louvel, Göttingen University, University Montpelier 2, 2008
  138. Characteristic elements, pairings, and functional equations in non-commutative Iwasawa theory, PhD thesis, Gergely Zábrádi, Cambridge 2008
  139. On the mean-square of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions at 1, PhD thesis, Henri Virtanen, University of Turku 2008
  140. Intersection of algebraic curves/some results on the (monic) integer transfinite diameter, PhD thesis, Jan Hilmar, U. Edinburgh 2008
  141. On Short Exponential Sums Involving Fourier Coefficients of Holomorphic Cusp Forms, PhD thesis, Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen, University of Turku, 2008
  142. The canonical fractional Galois ideal at s=0, PhD thesis, Paul Buckingham, Universtiy of Sheffield, 2008
  143. Torsion et rang des courbes elliptiques définies sur les corps de nombres algébriques, These de doctorat, F. Patrick Rabarison, Université de Caen, 2008
  144. Problème de Lehmer relatif pour les variétés abéliennes CM, PhD thesis, Maria Carrizosa, Paris VI, 2008
  145. Algorithms for p-adic cohomology and p-adic heights, PhD thesis, David Harvey, Harvard University 2008
  146. Minoration de la hauteur de Néron-Tate sur les variétés abéliennes : sur la conjecture de Lang et Silverman, PhD thesis, Fabien Pazuki, Université Bordeaux I, 2008
  147. Constructing Abelian Varieties for Pairing-Based Cryptography, PhD Thesis, David Mandell Freeman, University of California, Berkeley, 2008
  148. Number theoretic algorithms for elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Juliana Belding, University of Maryland, College Park, 2008
  149. Integral transforms of the Minkowski question mark function, PhD thesis, Giedrius Alkauskas, University of Nottingham, 2008
  150. Prime polynomials over finite fields, PhD thesis, Paul Pollack, Dartmouth College, 2008
  151. On the values of equivariant and Artin L-functions of cyclic extensions of number fields, PhD thesis, Barry Smith, University of California, San Diego, 2007
  152. Auxiliary polynomials and height functions, PhD thesis, Charles Samuels, The University of Texas at Austin, 2007
  153. Compatibilities, correspondences, and integral structures in p-adic cohomology, PhD thesis, Bryden R. Cais, University of Michigan, 2007
  154. Heights and multiplicative relations on algebraic varieties PhD thesis, Univ. Basel, 2007
  155. Asymptotically counting points of bounded height, PhD thesis, Martin Widmer, Universität Basel (2007)
  156. Congruence properties of Fourier coefficients of modular forms, PhD thesis, Timothy Kilbourn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007
  157. On the Computation of the Class Numbers of Real Abelian Fields, PhD thesis, Tuomas Hakkarainen, Turku University, 2007
  158. p-adic Family of Half-Integral Weight Modular Forms and its Arithmetic Applications, Phd. thesis, Jeehoon Park, Boston University, 2007
  159. Hypergeometric functions over finite fields and relations to modular forms and elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Jenny Fuselier, Texas A&M University, 2007
  160. Two number-theoretic problems that illustrate the power and limitations of randomness, PhD thesis, Andrew Shallue, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007
  161. Elliptic factors in Jacobians of low genus curves, PhD thesis, Jennifer Paulhus, University of Illinois, 2007
  162. Series de Ramanujan: Generalizaciones y conjeturas, PhD. thesis, Jesús Guillera Goyanes, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007
  163. Order Computations in Generic Groups, PhD thesis, Andrew V. Sutherland, MIT June 2007, Thesis abstract
  164. Some Topics in Number Theory (Refinements, Extensions and Generalisations of a Theorem of Sylvester on the prime factors of a product of consecutive integers), PhD thesis, Shanta Laishram, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, submitted April 2007
  165. Constructing elliptic curves of prescribed order, PhD thesis, Reinier Bröker, Leiden University, 2006
  166. Green functions on Riemann surfaces and an application to Arakelov theory, PhD thesis, Peter Bruin, Universiteit Leiden, 2006
  167. The weight in a Serre-type conjecture for tame n-dimensional Galois representations, PhD thesis, Florian Herzig, Harvard University 2006
  168. On the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture, PhD thesis, Tejaswi Navilarekallu, Caltech 2006
  169. Some Diophantine equations with complex-valued exponents, PhD thesis, John Zuehlke, Columbia University, 2006
  170. On zeros of cubic L-Functions, PhD thesis, Xia Honggang, Ohio State University 2006
  171. Modular Forms of Weight One Over Finite Fields, PhD thesis, Gabor Wiese, Leiden University, 2005
  172. On the Brumer-Stark conjecture and its refinements, PhD, Barry Smith, University of California San Diego, 2007
  173. Spectres euclidiens et inhomogènes des corps de nombres, PhD thesis, Jean-Paul Cerri, Université Nancy 1, 2005, available from Tel
  174. Étude de la valeur en s=2 de la fonction L d'une courbe elliptique, PhD thesis, François Brunault, Université Paris 7 Denis-Diderot, 2005
  175. L-functions of non-abelian twists of elliptic curves, PhD. thesis, Vladimir Dokchitser, Cambridge University, 2005
  176. Méthodes de crible appliquées aux sommes de Kloosterman et aux petits écarts entre nombres premiers, PhD thesis, Jimena Sivak-Fischler, Université Paris XI, 2005
  177. Triple product L-functions, PhD thesis, John Niccolai, Columbia University, 2005
  178. Del Pezzo surfaces and the Brauer-Manin obstruction, PhD thesis, Patrick Corn, U.C. Berkeley 2005
  179. The Brandt module of ternary quadratic lattices, PhD thesis, Gonzalo Tornaría U. Texas, 2005
  180. Autour d'une conjecture de B. Gross relative à l'existence de corps de nombres de groupe de Galois non résoluble et ramifiés en un unique premier p petit, PhD, Sylla Lesseni, Université Bordeaux, 2005
  181. Minoration de la hauteur normalisée en petite codimension, PhD thesis, Corentin Pontreau, Université de Caen, 2005
  182. Explicit Endomorphisms and Correspondences, PhD thesis, Ben Smith, University of Sydney, 2005
  183. Conjecture de Greenberg généralisée et capitulation dans les Z_p-extensions d'un corps de nombres, PhD thesis, David Vauclair, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 2005
  184. Arithmétique des extensions d'Artin-Schreier-Witt, PhD thesis, Lara Thomas, Université Toulouse II le Mirail, 2005
  185. The twisted weighted fundamental lemma for the transfer of of automorphic forms from GSp(4) to GL(4), PhD thesis, David Whitehouse, Caltech 2005
  186. Multiple integrals and generalized polylogarithms, PhD thesis, Sergey Zlobin, Moscow University, 2005
  187. Some relations of Mahler measure with hyperbolic volumes and special values of L-functions, PhD thesis, Matilde Lalín, University of Texas at Austin, 2005
  188. Some conjectures about the slopes of modular forms, PhD thesis, Lisa Clay, Northwestern University, 2005
  189. Sommes de Dedekind et périodes de formes modulaires de Hilbert, PhD Thesis, Université Bordeaux 1, 2004, Pierre Charollois
  190. Geometric and p-adic Modular Forms of Half-Integral Weight, PhD thesis, Nick Ramsey, Harvard 2004
  191. Equivariant epsilon constants for Galois extensions of number fields and p-adic fields, PhD thesis, Manuel Breuning, Kings College, London, England
  192. Keith Briggs
  193. p-class towers of imaginary quadratic fields, PhD thesis, Michael Bush, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004
  194. Minoration de la hauteur de Néron-Tate pour les points et les sous-variétés : variations sur le problème de Lehmer, PhD thesis, Nicolas Ratazzi, Paris VII, 2004
  195. Two results in the arithmetic of Shimura curves, PhD thesis, Marat Sadykov, Columbia University, 2004
  196. A kernel for automorphic L-functions on GL(n,R), PhD thesis, Meera Thillainatesan, Columbia University, 2004
  197. The fine Selmer group and height pairings, PhD thesis, Christian Wuthrich, Cambridge, 2004
  198. Invariants de classes pour les variétés abéliennes à réduction semi-stable, PhD thesis, Jean Gillibert, Université de Caen, 2004
  199. Four-dimensional Galois repesentations of solvable type and automorphic forms, PhD thesis, Kimball Martin, Caltech 2004
  200. A Generalised arithmetic geometric mean, PhD Thesis, Robert Carls , University of Groningen 2004
  201. The 3-Part of Class Numbers of Quadratic Fields, MSc Thesis, Lillian Pierce, Oxford University, 2004
  202. Modules de Drinfeld de rang 2 sur un corps fini, PhD thesis, Mohamed Saadbouh, Université de Aix-Marseille II, 2004
  203. On elliptic units and p-adic Galois representations attached to elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Alvaro Lozano, Boston University 2004
  204. Algebraic points of small height with additional arithmetic conditions, PhD. thesis, Lenny Fukshansky, University of Texas at Austin, 2004
  205. Applications of Poincare series on Jacobi groups Ph.D. Thesis, Kathrin Bringmann, University of Heidelberg, 2004
  206. Evaluation of the Dedekind Eta Function, PhD thesis, William Hart, Macquarie University 2004
  207. Real zeros and size of Rankin-Selberg L-functions in the level aspect, PhD thesis, Guillaume Ricotta, Montpelier II, 2004
  208. Module supersingulier et points rationnels des courbes modulaires, PhD thesis, Marusia Rebolledo, Paris VI, 2004
  209. Méthodes de transcendance et géométrie diophantienne, PhD thesis, Andrea Surroca, Paris 2003
  210. Factorization and independence of arithmetic functions, PhD thesis, Pattira Ruengsinsub, Chulalongkorn University, 2003
  211. Explicit descent on elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Tom Womack, Nottingham 2003
  212. Intégration sur ℋpxℋ et applications arithmétiques (après H. Darmon), Masters thesis, Fabien Pazuki, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, 2003
  213. Jacobians of Shimura curves and Jacquet-Langlands Correspondences, PhD thesis, David Helm, University of California at Berkeley, 2003
  214. Root numbers and the parity problem, Ph.D. thesis, Harald Helfgott, Princeton University, April 2003
  215. Euler systems of CM points on Shimura curves, PhD thesis, Ye Tian, Columbia University, 2003
  216. Abelian varieties with quaternionic multiplication and their moduli, PhD thesis, Victor Rotger, Universitat de Barcelona, 2003
  217. Généralisation du critère de Beurling-Nyman à la classe de Selberg, PhD. thesis, Anne de Roton, Université Bordeaux I, 2003
  218. Rational points on Atkin-Lehner quotients of Shimura curves, Peter Clark, Harvard, 2003
  219. Hilbert's Tenth Problem and Arithmetic Geometry, PhD thesis, Kirsten Eisenträger, Berkeley 2003
  220. The distribution of Galois orbits of low height, PhD, Clayton Petsche, University of Texas at Austin, 2003
  221. Sur les 2-extensions de Q dont la 2-partie du noyau sauvage est triviale, PhD thesis, Mikaël Lescop, Université de Limoges 2003
  222. Large sieves and exponential sums, PhD Thesis, Liangyi Zhao, Rutgers University 2003
  223. Contributions à l'étude diophantienne des polylogarithmes et des groupes algébriques, PhD thesis, Stéphane Fischler, Université Paris VI, 2003
  224. Systems of automorphic forms and period functions, PhD Thesis, Tobias Mühlenbruch, University of Utrecht, 2003
  225. Siegel modular forms (mod p) and algebraic modular forms, PhD thesis, Alexandru Ghitza, MIT 2003
  226. The Fourier Jacobi Map and Small Representations, PhD thesis, Martin Weissman, Harvard 2003
  227. Finiteness Results for Diophantine Equations Involving Polynomial Families, PhD Thesis, Thomas Stoll, 2003, TU Graz
  228. L4 norm of the Eisenstein series, PhD thesis, Florin Spinu, Princeton 2003
  229. On a certain ratio of Petersson norms and level-lowering congruences, PhD thesis, Kartik Prasanna, Princeton 2003
  230. Familles p-adiques de formes automorphes et applications aux conjectures de Bloch-Kato , PhD thesis, Gaëtan Chenevier, Paris 7, 2003
  231. Drinfeld Modules and applications to the inverse problem of Galois Theory, PhD Thesis (in Greek), Marina Tripolitaki, University of Crete, 2003 (ps file, 1.3MB)
  232. On the André-Oort conjecture and Drinfeld modular curves, PhD thesis, Florian Breuer, Université Denis Diderot (Paris 7), 2003
  233. New bounds for automorphic L-functions, PhD thesis, Gergely Harcos, Princeton University 2003
  234. Computations on Diagonal Quartic Surfaces, PhD thesis, Martin Bright, Cambridge 2003
  235. Approche dynamique et combinatoire de la notion de discrépance, PhD thesis, Boris Adamczewski, Luminy 2002
  236. Central values of twisted L-functions, PhD thesis, Hui Xue, Columbia University, 2002
  237. Siegel zeros of Eisenstein series on GL(n), PhD thesis, Joseph Hundley, Columbia University, 2002
  238. Über irreguläre Paare höherer Ordnungen, Diplomarbeit, Bernd Kellner, Göttingen, 2002
  239. Mock theta functions, PhD thesis, Sander Pieter Zwegers, Utrecht 2002
  240. Untersuchungen einer neuen Klasse von ganzwertigen ganzen Funktionen, Dissertation, Michael Welter, Universität zu Köln, 2002
  241. 1 and 2 Level Density Functions for Families of Elliptic Curves: Evidence for the Underlying Group Symmetries, PhD thesis, Steven J. Miller, Princeton University, 2002
  242. Formes modulaires et invariants de courbes elliptiques définies sur Q, PhD thesis, Christophe Delaunay, Université Bordeaux I, 2002
  243. Die Weil-Restriktionen elliptischer Kurven in der Kryptographie, Diplomarbeit, Guido Blady, Essen 2002
  244. Pisot numbers and the spectra of real numbers, PhD Thesis, Kevin Hare, Simon Fraser University 2002
  245. Une région explicite sans zéro pour les fonctions L de Dirichlet, PhD thesis, Habiba Kadiri, Université des sciences et technologie de Lille 2002
  246. Pair Correlation and Distribution of Prime Numbers, PhD thesis, Tsz Ho Chan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2002
  247. Une région explicite sans zéro pour les fonctions L de Dirichlet, PhD thesis, Habiba Kadiri, Lille 2002
  248. Représentations galoisiennes, groupe de Mumford-Tate et bonne réduction des variétés abéliennes, PhD thesis, Frédéric Paugam, Rennes 2002
  249. Quantitative finiteness results for Diophantine equations, PhD thesis, Clemens Fuchs, TU Graz, 2002
  250. Class number parity of a compositum of quadratic fields, PhD thesis, Michal Bulant, Masaryk University, Brno 2002 (pdf 419K)
  251. The pair correlation of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function, Senior Thesis, Lillian Pierce, Princeton University, 2002
  252. Modular Hyperelliptic Curves, PhD thesis, E. González-Jiménez, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2002
  253. Slopes of overconvergent modular forms, PhD thesis, Lloyd Kilford, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, 2002
  254. Orthogonal Epsilon Constants For Tame Actions of Finite Groups on Surfaces, PhD thesis, Darren Glass, University of Pennsylvania 2002
  255. Limit Theorems in Metric Diophantine Approximation, PhD-thesis, Michael Fuchs, Vienna University of Technology 2002
  256. Modularity of some potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations, PhD. thesis, Dave Savitt, Harvard University 2001
  257. Représentations p-adiques et équations différentialles, PhD, Laurent Berger, Paris 6, 2001
  258. A Study on Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Weil-Restrictions of Varieties, Doktorarbeit, Claus Diem, Frankfurt 2001
  259. On the Tamagawa number conjecture, PhD thesis, Francesc Bars, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona 2001
  260. On the characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix and the Riemann zeta function, PhD thesis, Christopher Hughes, University of Bristol 2001
  261. Algorithmic Solution of Diophantine Equations, Diploma Thesis, Thomas Stoll, 2001, TU Graz
  262. Théorie de Galois effective pour les corps de nombres et les corps finis. Développement du système PARI, PhD thesis, Bill Allombert, Université Bordeaux I, 2001 (ps file)
  263. A splitting criterion for Galois representations associated to exceptional modular forms, PhD thesis, Ken McMurdy, Berkeley 2001
  264. Algebraic curves, Riemann hypothesis and coding, Diploma Thesis, Marios Magioladitis, University of Crete, 2001
  265. Counting Rational Points on Curves and Surfaces , DPhil. Thesis, Tim Browning, Oxford 2001
  266. Explicit Arithmetic of Brauer Groups: Ray Class Fields and Index Calculus, PhD thesis, Kim Nguyen, Universität GHS Essen, 2001
  267. Propriétés diophantiennes de la fonction zeta de Riemann aux entiers impairs, PhD, Tanguy Rivoal, Université de Caen, 2001
  268. Efficient Arithmetic on Hyperelliptic Curves, PhD thesis, Tanja Lange, Essen 2001
  269. Sur les fonctions L de formes modulaires, Thése, Emmanuel Royer, Paris XI (Orsay) 2001
  270. On the image of Lambda-adic Galois representations, PhD thesis, Ami Fischman, UCLA 2001
  271. On p-adic Hilbert modular adjoint L-functions, PhD thesis, Hsin-Tai Wu, UCLA 2001
  272. Arithmétique des extensions faiblement ramifiées [Arithmetic of weakly ramified extensions], PhD thesis, Stéphane Vinatier, Université Bordeaux 1, 2000
  273. Mahler measure and real roots of certain family of polynomials, PhD thesis, Christophe Doche, University of Bordeaux, 2000
  274. On Holomorphy of Local Langlands L-functions, PhD thesis, Mahdi Asgari, Purdue University 2000
  275. Buekenhout-Metz-Unitale in PG(2, q^2), Diplom Thesis, Roger Oyono, Essen 2000
  276. Regulator approximation and fundamental unit computation for real-quadratic orders, Markus Maurer, TU-Darmstadt, 2000
  277. Average Lang-Trotter Conjecture for 2 Elliptic Curves, MSc thesis, Robert Juricevic, Concordia University 2000
  278. On Selmer groups of geometric Galois representations, PhD thesis, Tom Weston, Harvard University 2000
  279. Representation of Prime Powers by Binary Quadratic Forms, PhD Thesis, Giorgos Siligardos, University of Crete 2000 (555K, pdf - Greek)
  280. The problem of finiteness of classfield towers, Masters Thesis, Anna Kagiali, University of Crete 2000 (643K, pdf - Greek)
  281. Points de Weierstrass et jacobiennes de courbes algébriques de genre 3, PhD thesis, Martine Girard, Paris VII 2000
  282. Geometry of numbers, Diploma Thesis, Eleni Tzanaki, University of Crete, 2000 (714K, ps - Greek)
  283. Distribution of Values of Artin L-Functions and Applications, PhD thesis, Hartmut Bauer, TU-Berlin 2000
  284. Representations of unitary groups and associated Galois representations, PhD thesis, Andrew Knightly, UCLA 2000
  285. Forms in many variables over p-adic fields, PhD thesis, Michael Knapp, University of Michigan, 2000
  286. Über Zugänge von Hua und Pan Chengdong zum Primzahlzwillingsproblem, PhD thesis, Stephan Baier, FU-Berlin 2000
  287. Kettenbrüche im Körper der Formalen Laurentreihen und Anwendungen, Masters thesis, Michael Fuchs, Vienna University of Technology 2000
  288. Deformations of p-divisible groups and p-descent on elliptic curves, PhD thesis, Tim Dokchitser, Utrecht 2000
  289. Étude arithmétique des équations aux q-différences et des équations différentielles, PhD thesis, Lucia Di Vizio, Paris VI 2000
  290. Sieve Methods, Masters Thesis, Denis Xavier Charles, SUNY Buffalo 2000 (pdf 501K)
  291. Reduction de Familles de points CM, Thesis, Christophe Cornut, IRMA Strasbourg I 2000
  292. Perfect Cuboids, Doctoraalscriptie, Ronald van Luijk, Utrecht 2000
  293. On 5 and 7 Descents for Elliptic Curves, PhD thesis, Tom Fisher, Cambridge 2000
  294. Algebraic methods in higher-dimensional dynamics, Habilitationsschrift, Manfred Einsiedler, Universität Wien
  295. Sums of multiplicative functions over integers without large prime factors and related differential difference equations, PhD thesis, Joung Min Song, Urbana 2000
  296. Random matrix theory and zeta functions, PhD thesis, Nina Snaith, University of Bristol 2000 (ps 3162K)
  297. On the modularity of certain 2-adic Galois representations, PhD thesis, Mark Dickinson, Harvard 2000
  298. Galois Groups and Greenberg's Conjecture, PhD thesis, David Marshall, University of Arizona, 2000
  299. Explicit approaches to modular abelian varieties, PhD thesis, William Stein, Berkeley 2000
  300. Cusp Forms on SL(3,Z)\SL(3,R)/SO(3,R), PhD, Stephen D. Miller, Princeton 2000
  301. p-adic modular forms over Shimura curves over Q, PhD thesis, Payman Kassaei, MIT 1999
  302. Local -global problems and the Brauer -Manin obstruction, PhD thesis, Victor Scharaschkin, University of Michigan, 1999
  303. An Exact Mass Formula for Quadratic Forms over Number Fields, PhD thesis, Jonathan Hanke, Princeton University 1999
  304. Icosahedral Galois Representations and modular forms, Undergraduate Senior Thesis, Martin Weissman, Princeton 1999
  305. Continued fractions and sequences, PhD thesis, Alan Lauder, Royal Holloway and Westfield College 1999 (ps 875K)
  306. Berechnung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe elliptischer Kurven über algebraischen Zahlkörpern, PhD Thesis, Susanne Schmitt, Universität des Saarlandes, 1999
  307. Symboles des restes quadratiques et discriminants, PhD thesis, Mohamed Zahidi, Limoges 1999
  308. On splitting places of degree one in extensions of algebraic function fields, towers of function fields meeting asymptotic bounds and basis constructions for algebraic-geometric codes, PhD thesis, Vinay Deolalikar, University of Southern California 1999
  309. Kummer's Lemma and Picard Groups of Integer Group Rings, Licentiate thesis, Ola Helenius, Chalmers University 1999 (ps)
  310. The kernel of the Eisenstein ideal, PhD, János A. Csirik, Berkeley 1999
  311. Bestimmung der modularen Invarianten von Idealen in imaginär-quadratischen Zahlkörpern modulo Primidealen, Diploma Thesis, Stefan Bettner, Augsburg 1999
  312. Some topics in Algebraic Groups: Representation theory of GL2(D) where D is a division algebra over a non-Archimedean local field, PhD thesis, A. Raghuram, TIFR 1999
  313. Ray class fields of global function fields with many rational places, PhD thesis, Roland Auer, Oldenburg 1999
  314. Subexponential Class Group Computation in Quadratic Orders, Doctoral Thesis, Michael Jacobson, TU Darmstadt 1999
  315. Chabauty methods and covering techniques applied to generalised Fermat equations, PhD thesis, Nils Bruin, University of Leiden, 1999
  316. Punktezählalgorithmen für ordindre elliptische Kurven über endlichen Körpern der Charakteristik 2, Diploma Thesis, Robert Carls , T-U. Darmstadt 1999 (gzipped ps file)
  317. Vector bundles and geometry of numbers, PhD Thesis, Richard Groenewegen, Leiden 1999
  318. Über relative Normgleichungen in algebraischen Zahlkörpern, Diplom Thesis, Claus Fieker, Technische Universität Berlin 1999
  319. Zur Divisorenklassengruppenberechnung in globalen Funktionenkörpern, PhD Thesis, Florian Hess, Technische Universität Berlin 1999
  320. Jacobians of curves of genus one, PhD Thesis, Catherine O'Neil, Harvard 1999
  321. Iwasawa mu-Invariants of Selmer Groups, PhD Thesis, Michael Drinen, University of Washington 1999
  322. Critical values of the twisted tensor L-function in the imaginary quadratic case, PhD Thesis, Eknath Ghate, UCLA 1996 (169K dvi)
  323. Modular forms and Galois representations, Undergraduate thesis, Patrick Corn, Harvard 1998 (ps file)
  324. Autour de la fonction qui compte le nombre de nombres premiers, PhD thesis, Pierre Dusart, Limoges 1998 (pdf)
  325. 2-adic modular forms of minimal slope, PhD thesis, Matthew Emerton, Harvard 1998
  326. Exponential Sums and Diophantine Problems, Scott Parsell, PhD Thesis, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1999
  327. Equations dans les Corps de Nombres et Discriminants Minimaux, PhD thesis, Denis Simon, Bordeaux 1998
  328. The rank of the jacobian of modular curves: analytic methods, PhD thesis, Emmanuel Kowalski, Rutgers University, 1998
  329. Evidence for a spectral interpretation of the zeros of L-functions, PhD thesis, Michael Oded Rubinstein, Princeton 1998
  330. Stratifications on moduli spaces of abelian varieties in positive characteristic, PhD thesis, Jeff Achter, University of Pennsylvania 1998
  331. The growth of Dirichlet series on vertical lines, Diplomarbeit, Tobias Mühlenbruch, RWTH Aachen, Germany, 1998
  332. Zur Berechnung von Hilbertschen Klassenkörpern mit Hilfe von Stark-Einheiten, Diploma thesis, Hartmut Bauer, TU Berlin 1998
  333. Moduli for Pairs of Elliptic Curves with Isomorphic N-torsion, PhD Thesis, David Carlton, MIT 1998
  334. Explicit Hecke Actions on Modular Forms, PhD Thesis, David Pollack, Harvard 1998
  335. The order of vanishing of L-functions at the center of the critical strip, PhD Thesis, Francesco Sica, McGill University, March 1998
  336. Canonical heights in characteristic p, Matt Papanikolas, PhD Thesis, Brown 1998
  337. Curves of Genus 2 with real multiplication by a square root of 5, John Wilson, PhD thesis, Oxford 1998
  338. Résolution effective d'équations diophantiennes : algorithmes et applications, Thèse, G. Hanrot, Université Bordeaux 1 (1997)
  339. Über die Berechnung von Automorphismen und Teilkörpern algebraischer Zahlkörper Dissertation, Jürgen Klüners, TU Berlin, 1997
  340. Über relative Normgleichungen in algebraischen Zahlkörpern , PhD thesis, Claus Fieker, TU Berlin, 1997
  341. Teilerprobleme für homogene Polynome, Stephan Daniel, PhD. Thesis, Stuttgart, 1997
  342. Non-vanishing of modular L-functions with large level, PhD thesis, Amir Akbary, University of Toronto, 1997
  343. Factoring Integers with the Self Initializing Quadratic Sieve, MA Thesis, Scott Contini, University of Georgia 1997
  344. Algorithmes de factorisation dans les corps de nombres et applications de la conjecture de Stark à la construction des corps de classes de rayon, thesis by Xavier-François Roblot, Bordeaux 1997
  345. Zur Verteilung der Nullstellen der Dirichletschen L-Reihen, Dissertation, Peter Bauer, Frankfürt am Main, 1997
  346. The Distribution of Shapes of Cubic Orders, PhD Thesis, David Terr, Berkeley 1997
  347. Equations For Modular Curves, PhD Thesis, Steven Galbraith, Oxford University, 1997, typo
  348. Nonanalytic Automorphic Integrals on the Hecke Groups, Paul Pasles, PhD thesis, Temple University, 1997
  349. Some problems in elementary number theory and modular forms, Giuseppe Melfi, PhD Thesis, University of Pisa, 1997
  350. Algorithmes de factorisation dans les corps de nombres et applications de la conjecture de Stark à la construction des corps de classes de rayon, thesis by Xavier-François Roblot, Bordeaux 1997
  351. Cyclotomy of Rings and Primality Testing, Preda Mihailescu, Dissertation, ETH Zurich 1997
  352. Prime Numbers of the form x2+ny2, Masters Thesis, Giorgos Siligardos, University of Crete 1996 (4.3 MB, pdf - Greek)
  353. Zur Berechnung von Strahlklassengruppen, Diploma Thesis, Sebastian Pauli, T-U. Berlin 1996
  354. Zur Klassengruppenberechnung in algebraischen Zahlkörpern, Diploma Thesis, Florian Hess, Technische Universität Berlin 1996
  355. On a Conjecture of Gross, PhD Thesis (Abstract), Joongul Lee, U. of Texas at Austin, 1996
  356. Cycles of Polynomial Mappings, Michael Zieve, PhD Thesis, Berkeley 1996
  357. Endomorphism rings of elliptic curves over finite fields, PhD Thesis, David Kohel, Berkeley December 1996
  358. Berechnung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe parametrisierter elliptischer Kurven, Diploma Thesis, Susanne Schmitt, Universität des Saarlandes, 1995
  359. Points of finite order on elliptic curves, Masters Thesis, Thanasis Vesis, University of Crete 1995 (882K, ps - Greek)
  360. Algorithms for the Determination of Polynomials with Small Mahler Measure, PhD Thesis, Michael Mossinghoff, University of Texas, Austin, 1995
  361. Thèse de Doctorat : Extensions vectorielles, périodes et hauteurs (décembre 1995), Antoine Chambert-Loir
  362. Generalization of the ABC-conjecture, N.R. Bruin, Master Thesis, Leiden University, 1995
  363. Explicit Representation of Fundamental Units of Some Quadratic Fields, Masters Thesis, Koshi Tomita, Nagoya University 1995
  364. Computational Techniques in Quadratic Fields, MSc, Michael Jacobson Jr., University of Manitoba 1995
  365. The Levels of Modular Representations, PhD Thesis, Kevin Buzzard, Cambridge University
  366. On the estimates of the measure of linear independence for values of certain analytical functions, PhD Thesis, Wadim Zudilin, Moscow State University 1995
  367. Ein Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Punktanzahl elliptischer Kurven über endlichen Körpern der Charakteristik grösser drei, PhD, Volker Müller, University of Saarland 1995 (ps.gz 389K)
  368. Probabilistic and Constructive Methods in Harmonic Analysis and Additive Number Theory, Mihail Kolountzakis, Thesis, Stanford, May 1994
  369. Sums of quadratic characters, PhD thesis, Mary Vlastnik Armon, University of Michigan, 1994
  370. Conséquences et aspects expérimentaux des conjectures abc et de Szpiro, PhD Thesis, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Caen 1994
  371. Eine Implementierung des Algorithmus von Atkin zur Bestimmung der Punktanzahl elliptischer Kurven über endlichen Primkörpern der Charakteristik größer drei, MSc Thesis, Markus Maurer, University of Saarland 1994 (ps.gz 275K)
  372. Über die Berechnung von Teilkörpern algebraischer Zahlkörper Jürgen Klüners, Diplomarbeit TU Berlin, 1995
  373. Computation of Leopoldt's p-adic Regulator, PhD Thesis, Peter Panayi, University of East Anglia 1995
  374. Sur quelques tests probabilistes de primalité, Thèse, F. Arnault, Poiters 1993
  375. On the psixyology of Diophantine equations, P. Moree, PhD thesis 1993, Leiden
  376. Computing the rank of an elliptic curve, Undergraduate thesis, Jeff Achter, Brown University 1992
  377. Refined class number formulas for derivatives of L-series, PhD Thesis, Henri Darmon, Harvard 1991
  378. Courbes elliptiques et tests de primalité, Thèse, François Morain, Université de Lyon I, 1990
  379. Diophantine Approximation and the qx+1 Problem, PhD thesis, Zachary Martin Franco, UC Berkeley 1990
  380. Estimates of the number of primes representable by quadratic polynomials in two variables, PhD thesis, Susan Purdon, University of Glasgow 1990
  381. A general theory of inclusion-exclusion with application to the least primitive root problem and other density questions, PhD thesis, Robert N. Buttsworth, University of Queensland 1983
  382. Applications of the hypergeometric function in effective Diophantine approximation, PhD thesis, David Easton, University of Waterloo, 1986
  383. Topics in prime number theory, PhD thesis, Amit Ghosh, Nottingham 1981

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