Number Theory research programs
- Summer program on number theory and related topics at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), May 27 - August 30, 2019
- A semester « geometry, arithmetic and cryptography: correspondences » in Rennes, 2019
- WCC 2019: the eleventh international workshop on coding and cryptography, March 31 - April 5, 2019
- Curves and groups in families May 13-17, 2019
- Representation theory and D-modules, June 3-7, 2019
- Perfectoids, July 8-12, 2019
- Women in numbers Europe 3, August 26-30, 2019
- p-adic Langlands correspondence: a constructive and algorithmic approach, September 2-6, 2019
- Reinventing rational points, April 15 - July 12, 2019, IHP, Paris, France
- WADE Into Research Number Theory REU, a number theory research program for undergraduates, June 12-August 11, 2017, Wake Forest University, USA
- Fields's Thematic Program on Unlikely Intersections, Heights, and Efficient Congruencing, January-June 2017, organized by J. Friedlander, F. Herzig, Y.-R. Liu, J.Pila, J. Tsimerman, and T. Wooley
- Number theory program, January 23-March 5, 2017, Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics, Spain
- Special year at the CRM in Montreal: Number Theory from A to Z
- New geometric methods in number theory and automorphic forms, August 11-December 12, 2014, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California
- Interactions between Dynamics of Group Actions and Number Theory, June 9-July 4, 2014, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Model Theory and Number Theory, January 20-May 23, 2014, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California
- Special year in Number theory at IMSc, Chennai, from December, 2010 to March, 2012 to celebrate 60th Birthday of Professor R. Balasubramanian. Under this programme many experts from all over the world will be delivering month-long courses. These distinguished mathematicians will talk about Diophantine geometry, Additive number theory, Analytic number theory and Modular forms. Most of these courses would end with open problems in the respective areas.
- Rational points and algebraic cycles, July 1 to December 31, 2012, Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Group Actions in Analytic Number Theory, January 1 to June 30, 2011, The Bernoulli center at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Arithmetic Statistics, January 10, 2011 to May 20, 2011, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA
- Number Theory: 2010-2013, PIMS collaborative research group
- Galois Representations and Automorphic Forms, academic year 2010-2011, IAS
- Analytic Number Theory, academic year 2009-2010, IAS
- School and Conference on Modular Forms and Mock Modular Forms and their Applications in Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics, 28 February - 18 March, 2011, Trieste, Italy
- Number Theory as Experimental and Applied Science, January-April 2010, Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal
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