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Some biographies of past contributors to number theory
Some of the major sources of obituaries of mathematicians are:
- The Mactutor History of Mathematics (MacTutor)
- Russian Mathematical Surveys (RMS)
- Acta Arithmetica (AA)
- Notices of the Americal Mathematical Society (NAMS)
- Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (BLMS)
- Journal of the London Mathematical Society (JLMS) (Pre BLMS)
- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (PLMS) (Pre JLMS)
- The Mathematical Intelligencer
- Journal of Number Theory
- Mathematicians of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (David Wilkins' transcriptions from A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, by W.W. Rouse Ball)
- Historia Mathematica
A glance at Paulo Ribenboim's Fermat's Last Theorem for amateurs, Franz Lemmermeyer's Reciprocity Laws and L.E. Dickson's History of the Theory of Numbers, reveals the existence of many past number theorists about whom little is known.
Any corrections, extra information or links to additional online biographies should be passed on to Keith Matthews at
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- William Wells Adams (1937-2024)
- Rudolf Ahlswede
- Alexander Aigner
- Helen Popova Alderson
- Leo James Alex
- William (Red) Alford
- Nesmith Ankeny
- Roger Apéry (Wikipedia)
- Tom Apostol died on May 8, 2016
- Vernon Armitage (1932-2019) LMS obituaries, May 2020
- Peter Friedrich Arndt (Wikipedia)
- Cahit Arf (MacTutor)
- Emil Artin
- Robert Ash (1935-2015) (AMS)
- Richard Allen Askey (Wikipedia)
- Arthur Oliver Lonsdale Atkin
- Frederick Valentine Atkinson (Angelo B. Mingarelli)
- Léon Aubry
- James Burton Ax (1937-2006) (Wikipedia)
- Raymond Ayoub (1923-2013) (Wikipedia)
- A. A. Krishnaswami Ayyangar
- Paul Gustav Heinrich Bachmann (MacTutor)
- Alan Baker
- Mark Borisovich Barban (RMS)
- Eric Stephen Barnes
- Paul Bateman
- Mihály Bauer (MacTutor)
- Felix Behrend
- Eric Temple Bell (MacTutor)
- Joël Bellaïche died on 30th May 2022
- Gennadii Vladimirovich Belyi (1951-2001) Russ. Math. Surv. 57 981 (2002)
- Anne-Marie Bergé
- Joseph Louis François Bertrand (MacTutor)
- William Edward Hodgson Berwick
- Arne Karl August Beurling
- Bhaskara (MacTutor)
- Jacques de Billy (MacTutor)
- Hans Frederick Blichfeldt (MacTutor)
- Fritz Blumer (1904-1988)
- Jonathan Michael Borwein (Wikipedia), Obituary by Richard Brent
- Alfred Theodore Brauer (MacTutor)
- Joel Lee Brenner (1912-1997)
- Robert Breusch (1907-1995)
- John Brillhart (1930-2022) (NAMS)
- Béla Brindza (1958-2003)
- Jerzy Browkin (1934-2015) (Google translation)
- Viggo Brun
- Viggo Brun (obituary by C. Scriba, Historia Mathematica 7 (1980), 1-6)
- Viggo Brun (Christoph Scriba, Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamburg 11 (1985) 271-290)
- Viggo Brun (Sigmund Selberg: Norske Vid. Selsk. Forh. (Trondheim) (1979) 57-61 - in Norwegian)
- Aleksandr Adol'fovich Bukhshtab (RMS)
- Richard Thomas Bumby died on 17th December 2024, aged 87
- Peter Bundschuh (1938-2024)
- Viktor Yakovlevich Bunyakovsky (MacTutor)
- David Albert Burgess (1935-2023) historic paper
- Colin Bushnell (1947-2021)
- 1935-2012
- Leonard Carlitz
- Robert Daniel Carmichael (Wikipedia)
- John (Ian) William Scott Cassels
- Eugène Charles Catalan (MacTutor)
- Claude Chabauty
- John Henry Holloway Chalk
- David Gawen Champernowne (MacTutor)
- Komaravolu S. Chandrashekhar (1920-2017) (Wikipedia)
- Robin Chapman (1963-2020), funeral notice for Robin Chapman
- Albert Châtelet (MacTutor)
- François Châtelet (Wikipedia)
- Nikolai Grigorievich Chebotaryov (MacTutor)
- Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev (MacTutor)
- Thyagaraju Chelluri
- Chen Jingrun biography MacTutor
- Claude Chevalley (MacTutor)
- Paromita Chowla (1934-2016)
- Sarvadaman Chowla
- Nikolai Grigor'evich Chudakov
- Robert Francis Churchhouse
- Fallece Javier Cilleruelo (1961 - 2016)
- John Henry Coates
- Paul Cohen biography (Wikipedia)
- Harvey Cohn
- Robert Coleman
- John Horton Conway
- George Erskine Cooke (21/5/1942-19/12/1976)
- Albert Everett Cooper
- William Andrew Coppel (Mactutor)
- Harald Cramér (MacTutor)
- Richard Crandall (1947-2012)
- Allan Joseph Champneys Cunningham
- Hédi Daboussi (1942-2019)
- Harold Davenport
- Clive Selwyn Davis (1916-2009)
- Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn (MacTutor)
- Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind (MacTutor)
- Hubert Delange (1913-2003)
- Boris Nikolaevich Delone
- Remy Yohan Denis (1942-2021) (NAMS)
- Max Deuring
- Max Deuring (from the Göttingen Collection - also see Martin Kneser, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung 89 (1987) 135-143, Peter Roquette, ibid 91 (1989) 109-125)
- Max Deuring (AA)
- Leonard Eugene Dickson (MacTutor)
- Diophantus of Alexandria (MacTutor)
- Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
- Bohuslav Diviš (Also see J. Number Theory 9 1977, (v-vii))
- Mary Dolciani
- Alain Durand (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1415)
- Bernard Dwork
- Bas Edixhoven (1962-2022)
- Harold Edwards (1936-2020) (Wikipedia)
- Martin Eichler
- Martin Eichler (MacTutor)
- Leben und Werk von Martin Eichler, Elemente der Mathematik 49 (1994) 45-60 (by Jürg Kramer)
- Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein (MacTutor)
- Otto Endler (1929-1988), Photo
- Veikko Ennola (1932-2013)
- Paul Epstein
- Eratosthenes of Cyrene (MacTutor)
- Paul Erdös
- Theodor Estermann
- Dennis Estes (June 18, 1941- Feb. 1, 1999) (LA Times)
- Euclid of Alexandria (MacTutor)
- Leonhard Euler
- Graham Everest
- Dmitrii Konstantinovich Faddeev
- Naum Il'ich Feldman
- Pierre de Fermat
- Nathan Fine (NAMS)
- Harley Flanders (Wikipedia)
- Ernests Fogels
- Jean-Marc Fontaine (1944-2019) (Wikipedia)
- Jérôme Franel (MacTutor)
- Giovanni Frattini (MacTutor)
- François Fricker (1939-2022)
- Ferdinand Georg Frobenius (MacTutor)
- Albrecht Fröhlich
- Wolfgang Fuchs (NAMS)
- Karl Rudolf Fueter
- Philipp Furtwängler (1869-1940)
- Steve Galovich
- Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Leopold Bernhard Gegenbauer (MacTutor)
- Aleksandr Osipovich Gelfond
- Angelo Genocchi (MacTutor)
- André Gérardin (Wikipedia)
- Marie-Sophie Germain
- Frank Emmett Gerth III
- James Whitbread Lee Glaisher (MacTutor)
- Herbert James Godwin (1922-2005)
- Christian Goldbach (MacTutor)
- Evgenii Solomonovich Golod (Wikipedia)
- Solomon Golomb (Stephen Wolfram), Sol Golomb - My Friend and Mentor (Alfred W. Hales)
- Irving John (Jack) Good (1916-2009) (Virginia Tech)
- Basil Gordon Also see Remembering Basil Gordon, 1931-2012 (AMS Notices - Krishnaswami Alladi)
- Dmitrii Sergeevich Gorshkov (1916-1977)
- David Mark Goss (1952-2017) (Wikipedia)
- William Sealey Gosset (MacTutor)
- Ronald Lewis Graham (1935-2020) (NAMS)
- Jorgen Pedersen Gram (MacTutor)
- Marvin Greenberg (1935-2017)
- George Greaves (BLMS 43, (2011) 203-205)
- Emil Grosswald
- Alexandre Grothendieck
- Fritz Grunewald (MacTutor)
- Andrew Paul Guinand (MacTutor)
- Hansraj Gupta (Wikipedia)
- Stan Gurak (USD News Center)Richard Guy (1916-2020)
- Jacques Salomon Hadamard (MacTutor)
- Heini Halberstam
- Marshall Hall Jr. (MacTutor)
- Richard Roxby Hall died on 25th October 2024, aged 84
- Franz Halter-Koch (1944-2023)
- Harris Hancock
- Godfrey Harold Hardy
- Colin Brian Haselgrove (MacTutor)
- Helmut Hasse
- David Ryan Hayes (MacTutor)
- Erich Hecke
- Kurt Heegner
- Hans Arnold Heilbronn (MacTutor)
- Yves Hellegouarch (Wikipedia)
- Kurt Hensel (MacTutor)
- Jacques Herbrand (MacTutor)
- Charles Hermite (MacTutor)
- Gustav Herglotz (MacTutor)
- Norman Herzberg (1937-2020)
- David Hilbert
- David Lee Hilliker (1935-2012)
- Edmund Hlawka (Robert Tichy)
- Guido Hoheisel (Wikipedia)
- Ludwig Holzer (1891-1968) (Rudolf Einhorn: Rostock. Math. Kolloq. No. 27, (1985) 23-30)
- Christopher Hooley
- Fredric Timothy Howard (1939-2022)
- John S. Hsia (1938-2020)
- Loo-keng Hua
- Richard Hudson (1945-2016) (
- John Hunter
- Adolf Hurwitz
- Jun-ichi Igusa
- Masatoshi Gündüz Ikeda (MacTutor)
- Albert Edward Ingham
- Kustaa Inkeri
- Aleksandar Ivić (1949-2020)
- Kenkichi Iwasawa
- Shokichi Iyanaga
- Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
- Ernst Jacobsthal
- Kevin Lee James (1968-2023)
- Ralph Duncan James (MacTutor)
- Vojtěch Jarník
- Vojtěch Jarník (MacTutor)
- Life and work of Vojtěch Jarník, Břetislav Novák, Published by the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, Zitna 25, Praha 1, Czech Republik
- Vojtěch Jarník (AA)
- Antonia Jane Jones (Wikipedia)
- Michał Kalecki (Wikipedia)
- Pierre Kaplan
- Irving Kaplansky
- Erich Kamke
- Shri Dattathreya Ramachandra Kaprekar
- Anatolii Alexeevich Karatsuba (Wikipedia)
- Aubrey J. Kempner
- Aleksandr Yakovlevich Khinchin (MacTutor)
- Alfred Kienast (Wikipedia)
- Péter Kiss (Wikipedia)
- Hendrik Douwe Kloosterman
- Stanislaw Knapowski (MacTutor)
- John Peter Louis Knopfmacher (MacTutor)
- Marvin Knopp (1933-2011)
- Chao Ko (Wikipedia)
- Niels Fabian Helge von Koch (MacTutor)
- Jurjen Ferdinand Koksma (MacTutor)
- Kjell Kolden
- Ivan Korec
- Alexander Nikolaevich Korkine (in Russian) (english translation by Bob Burns)
- Miloš Kössler
- Marc Krasner (Wikipedia)
- Leopold Kronecker (MacTutor)
- Jonas Petrovich Kubilius
- Robert Maruo Kubota (1942-1973)
- Tomio Kubota (December 6, 1930 - June 30, 2020)
- Ernst Eduard Kummer (MacTutor)
- Sigekatu Kuroda
- József Kürschák
- Rodion Osievich Kuz'min (Wikipedia)
- Nikolai Vasil'evitch Kuznetsov (1939-2010)
- Gilles Lachaud (1946-2018)
- Joseph-Louis Lagrange
- Gabriel Lamé (MacTutor)
- Edmund Georg Hermann Landau
- Serge Lang
- Serge Lang (Wikipedia)
- Serge Lang (1927-2005), AMS Notices May 2006, Volume 53, Number 5
- The Mathematical Contributions of Serge Lang, Jay Jorgenson and Steven G. Krantz, 54, Notices AMS April 2007
- Mordell's review, Siegel's letter to Mordell, Diophantine geometry and 20th century mathematics, Serge Lang, Gazette des Mathématiciens - n°63, January 1995, SMF
- Aleksandr Fedorovich Lavrik
- Alla Lavrik-Männlin (1964-2003)
- Bob Laxton (1933-2002)
- Victor Amédée Lebesgue (1791-1875) (
- John Leech (MacTutor)
- Adrien-Marie Legendre
- Derrick Henry Lehmer (AA)
- Emma Lehmer
- Joseph Lehner
- Cornelis Gerrit Lekkerkerker (Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde)
- Heinrich-Wolfgang Leopoldt
- Matyáš Lerch
- Armin Leutbecher (1934-2022) (Wikipedia)
- William Judson LeVeque (NAMS)
- Norman Levinson (MacTutor)
- Donald J. Lewis (1926-2015) (Wikipedia)
- Richard P. Lewis (Frank Garvan)
- Pierre Liardet (1943-2014) Pierre Liardet (Cor Kraiikamp)
- Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann (MacTutor)
- Frederick Lindemann - Lord Cherwell (1886-1957) (Wikipedia), Number Theory and Other Reminiscences of Viscount Cherwell (Notes and Records of the Royal Society of Londoni, E.M. Wright)
- Edward Hubert Linfoot
- Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik
- Joseph Liouville (MacTutor)
- John Edensor Littlewood
- Ming-Chit Liu (1937-2023)
- Wilhelm Ljunggren (MacTutor)
- The Collected Papers of Wilhelm Ljunggren, Ed. Paulo Ribenboim, Queen's papers in pure and applied mathematics 115, 2003
- Robert Landis Long
- Salomon Lubelski (AA)
- François Edouard Anatole Lucas (MacTutor)
- Élisabeth Lutz (Wikipedia)
- Hans Maass (Wikipedia)
- Alexander Murray Macbeath
- Manohar Lal Madan died on April 3, 2011
- Kurt Mahler
- Wilhelm Maier (1896-1990)
- Edmond Maillet
- Yuri Manin