number theorist names:S
- Maria Sabitova
- Mohamed Sadek
- Hatice Şahinoǧlu
- Abhishek Saha
- Brundaban Sahu
- Freddy Saia
- Mohamed Saïdi
- Anupam Saikia
- Takeshi Saito
- Autour des Motifs: Asian-French Summer School on Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: Volume III, Takeshi Saito, Laurent Clozel, Jörg Wildehaus, Panoramas et Syntheses Vol. 49, AMS 2016
- Fermat's Last Theorem: Basic Tools, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Iwanami Series in Modern Mathematics 243, November 2013
- Number Theory 3: Iwasawa Theory and Modular Forms, Nobushige Kurokawa, Masato Kurihara, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs 242, AMS 2012
- Number Theory 2: Introduction to Class Field Theory, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translations of Mathematical Monographs Vol 240, AMS 2011
- Number Theory 1, Fermat's Dream, Kazuya Kato, Nobushige Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, Translation of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 186, AMS 2000
- Yiannis Sakellaridis
- Sajad Salami
- Daniel Barrera Salazar
- Adriana Salerno
- Vladislav Khasanovich Salikhov
- Gabriel Villa Salvador
- Riccardo Salvati Manni
- Bruno Salvy
- Detchat Samart
- Charles Samuels
- J¨rgen Sander
- Tom Sanders
- Csaba Sándor
- József Sándor
- Jonathan Sands
- Carlo Sanna
- Takamichi Sano
- Yannick Saouter
- K. Saradha
- Diophantine Equations, 2005 Mumbai conference in honour of T.N. Shorey, Ed: N. Saradha, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India , AMS 2007
- Natarajan Saradha
- Naser Talebizadeh Sardari
- András Sárközy
- Peter Sarnak
- Peter Sarnak, Winner of Wolf Prize in Mathematics - 2014
- Some commentary on Atle Selberg's mathematics, Dennis Hejhal, Peter Sarnak
- Automorphic Forms and Applications, Ed. Peter Sarnak, Freydoon Shahidi, AS/Park City Mathematics Series, 12, AMS, 2007
- Henryk Iwaniec, Peter Sarnak and Richard Taylor receive the 7th Ostrowski Prize
- Problems of the Millennium: The Riemann Hypothesis, Peter Sarnak, 2004
- Selected Works of Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, Ed. J. Cogdell, S. Gindikin, P. Sarnak. AMS Collected Works 15, 2000
- Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues and Monodromy, N.M. Katz, P. Sarnak, AMS Colloquium Publications Vol 45 1999
- Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry, N.M. Katz, P. Sarnak, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 36 (1999) 1-26
- Selberg's Eigenvalue Conjecture:, Peter Sarnak, Notices of the AMS, November 1995
- The Riemann Zeta-Function, A.A. Karatsuba, S.M. Voronin, Translated by N. Koblitz, de Gruyter, 1992, Review, Peter Sarnak, Bulletin Volume 32 Issue 2, April 1995, pages 251-253
- Some Applications of Modular Forms, P. Sarnak, Cambridge Tract 99, CUP 1990
- Yoshitaka Sasaki
- Fumihiro Sato
- Automorphic forms and zeta functions: Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa, Ed. Siegfried Böcherer, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko, Fumihiro Sato , World Scientific 2006
- Nobuo Sato
- Paul Savala
- Diana Savin
- David Savitt
- Quadratic and Higher Degree Forms, Krishnaswami Alladi, Manjul Bhargava, Dave Savitt, Pham Huu Tiep, Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 31, Springer 2013
- p-adic Geometry: Lectures from the 2007 Arizona Winter School, ed. David Savitt and Dinesh S. Thakur, University Lecture Series 45 September 2008
- Modularity of some potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations, PhD. thesis, Dave Savitt, Harvard University 2001
- Ben Savoie
- Mehtaab Sawhney
- Will Sawin
- Edward Schaefer
- Norbert Schappacher
- Early history of the Riemann Hypothesis in positive characteristic, Franz Oort and Norbert Schappacher, ALM 35, Higher Education Press and International Press, 2016, pp. 595-631
- El "outsider" de la teoría de los números. Vida y obra de Kurt Heegner (Norbert Schappacher)
- The Shaping of Arithmetic after C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, (Ed.) Catherine Goldstein, Norbert Schappacher, Joachim Schwermer, Springer 2006
- Regulators in Analysis, Geometry, and Number Theory, Ed. A. Reznikov, N. Schappacher, Birkhäuser 1999
- Historical commentary on Hilbert's Zahlbericht, by Franz Lemmermeyer and Norbert Schappacher (ps file)
- Victor Scharaschkin
- Rudolf Scharlau
- Renate Scheidler
- Jordan Schettler
- Damaris Schindler
- Oliver Schirokauer
- Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta
- Hans Peter Schlickewei
- Johannes Schleischitz
- Wolfgang Ch. Schmid
- Alexander Schmidt
- Bernhard Schmidt
- Harry Schmidt
- Ralf Schmidt
- Thomas Schmidt
- Wolfgang Schmidt
- Wikipedia article about Wolfgang Schmidt
- Analytic Number Theory, Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, Ed. William Chen, Timothy Gowers, Heini Halberstam, Wolfgang Schmidt, Robert Vaughan, CUP 2009
- Equations over finite fields: an elementary approach, Second Edition, Wolfgang M. Schmidt, Kendrick Press 2003 (also see review in MathSciNet)
- Selecta, Edmund Hlawka, E. Hlawka, P.M. Gruber, W.M. Schmidt, Springer 1990
- Equations over Finite Fields, W. Schmidt, LNM 536, Springer 1976
- Susanne Schmitt
- Elliptic Curves: A computational approach, Susanne Schmitt, Horst Zimmer, Studies in Mathematics 31, De Gruyter 2003
- Berechnung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe parametrisierter elliptischer Kurven, Diploma Thesis, Susanne Schmitt, Universität des Saarlandes, 1995
- Berechnung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe elliptischer Kurven über algebraischen Zahlkörpern, PhD Thesis, Susanne Schmitt, Universität des Saarlandes, 1999
- Peter Schneider
- Rigid Character Groups, Lubin-Tate Theory, and (φ,Γ)-Modules, Laurent Berger, Peter Schneider, Bingyong Xie, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 1275, 2020
- Galois Representations and (φ, Γ)-Modules, Peter Schneider, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CUP 2017
- Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures over Totally Real Fields, Ed. John Coates, Peter Schneider, Sujatha Ramdorai, Otmar Venjakob, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 29, 2013
- A Collection of Manuscripts Written in Honour of John H. Coates on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Ed. Ivan Fesenko, Stephen Lichtenbaum, Bernadette Perrin-Riou, Peter Schneider, Documenta Mathematica 4, 2006
- Robert Schneider
- Leila Schneps
- Claus-Peter Schnorr
- Johannes Schoissengeier
- Anthony Scholl
- Peter Scholze
- Why abc is still a conjecture (Peter Scholze and Jacob Stix)
- Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture (Qantamagazine, September 2018)
- Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, Annals of Mathematics Studies Volume 207, 2020
- Perfectoid Spaces: Lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School, Editors and authors, Bryden Cais, Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein, AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 242, 2019
- Arnold Schönhage
- René Schoof
- Éric Schost
- Richard Schroeppel
- Rainer Schulze-Pillot
- Einführung in Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Springer-Lehrbuch, 2015
- Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Contemporary Mathematics 587 AMS 2013
- Quadratic Forms-Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry, Ed. Ricardo Baeza, Wai Kiu Chan, Detlev W. Hoffmann, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Contemporary Mathematics 493, AMS 2009
- Pete Schumer
- Markus Schwagenscheidt
- Andreas Schweizer
- Fritz Schweiger
- Multidimensional continued fractions, F. Schweiger, OUP 2000
- Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Volume 2, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Edited by E. Manstavicius and F. Schweiger, VSP Science 1997
- Ergodic Theory of Fibred Systems and Metric Number Theory, F. Schweiger, OUP 1995
- Joachim Schwermer
- Reduction Theory and Arithmetic Groups, Joachim Schwermer, CUP 2022
- Emil Artin and Beyond - Class Field Theory and L-Functions, Della Dumbaugh and Joachim Schwermer, Heritage of European Mathematics, 9, 2015
- Creating a life: Emil Artin in America, Della Dumbaugh and Joachim Schwermer, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc 50 (2013), 321-330
- Minkowski in Königsberg 1884: A talk in Lindemann's colloquium, Joachim Schwermer, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, 2010
- The Shaping of Arithmetic after C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, (Ed.) Catherine Goldstein, Norbert Schappacher, Joachim Schwermer, Springer 2006
- Eira Scourfield
- Robert Sczech
- Abdellah Sebbar
- Alisa Sedunova
- François Séguin
- Kristian Seip
- James Sellers
- Shankar Sen
- Mehmet Haluk Şengün
- Soogil Seo
- Vlad Serban
- Jean-Pierre Serre
- Rational Points on Curves Over Finite Fields, Jean-Pierre Serre, Documenta Mathématiques, Vol. 18, Société Mathématique de France 2020
- Lectures on NX(p), Jean-Pierre Serre, CRC Press 2011
- Jean-Pierre Serre (MacTutor biography)
- Lectures on the Mordell-Weil Theorem, Jean-Pierre Serre, Aspects of Mathematics, Vol. 14, Springer,1997
- Algebraic Groups and Class Fields, Jean-Pierre Serre, Springer Graduate text 117 (1988)
- Sinan Sertöz
- Marco Adamo Seveso
- Pietro Sgobba
- Min Sha
- Nimish Shah
- Freydoon Shahidi
- The Genesis of the Langlands Program, Julia Mueller, Freydoon Shahidi, CUP 2022
- Advances in the Theory of Automorphic Forms and their L-functions, Dihua Jiang, Freydoon Shahidi, David Soudry, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 664, AMS 2016
- Eisenstein Series and Automorphic L-Functions, Freydoon Shahidi, Colloquium Publications 68, 2010 (not yet published)
- George Shakan
- Ehud de Shalit
- Perspectives in Mathematics Vol 3: The Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication, E. de Shalit, Academic Press 1987, Review, Karl Rubin, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 108-112
- Jeff Shallit
- The Logical Approach To Automatic Sequences: Exploring Combinatorics on Words with Walnut, J. Shallit, CUP 2022
- Neverending Fractions, An Introduction to Continued Fractions, Jonathan Borwein, Alf van der Poorten, Jeffrey Shallit, Wadim Zudilin, CUP, 2014
- Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations, J.-P. Allouche, J. Shallit, CUP 2003, Addenda
- Algorithmic Number Theory, Vol. 1, J.O. Shallit, Eric Bach, MIT Press 1996
- Andrew Shallue
- Ananth Shankar
- Oruganti Shanker
- Karam Deo Shankhadhar
- Xuancheng Shao
- Romyar Sharifi
- Tony Shaska
- Abelian Varieties and Number Theory, Ed. Moshe Jarden, Tony Shaska, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 767, AMS 2021
- Algebraic Curves and Their Applications, Ed. Lubjana Beshaj, Tony Shaska, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 724, 2019
- Mark Sheingorn
- Sudhanshu Shekhar
- Thomas Shemanske
- Hironori Shiga
- Junichi Shigezumi
- Shun Shimomura
- Sug Woo Shin
- Lekata Shiokawa
- Ken-ichi Shiota
- Rachel Shipsey
- Wai Chee Shiu
- Peter Shiu
- Ilya D. Shkredov
- Alexandra Shlapentokh
- Ari Shnidman
- Amin Shokrollahi
- Tarlak N. Shorey
- Complex Analysis with Applications to Number Theory, T.N. Shorey, Springer 2020
- Diophantine approximations, Diophantine equations, transcendence and applications, T.N. Shorey
- Exponential Diophantine Equations, T.N. Shorey and R. Tijdeman, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 87, CUP 1987, Review, J. L. Brenner, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 145-146
- Jack Shotton
- Victor Shoup
- Igor Shparlinski
- 2022 George Szekeres Medal awarded to Igor Shparlinski
- Frobenius Distributions: Lang-Trotter and Sato-Tate Conjectures, Ed. David Kohel, Igor Shparlinski, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 663, 2016, AMS
- Number Theory and Related Fields, Ed. Jonathan Borwein, Igor Shparlinski, Wadim Zudilin, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 43, 2013
- Cryptographic applications of analytic number theory, Igor Shparlinski, Birkhaüser, 2003.
- Recurrence sequences, G. Everest, A.J. van der Poorten, I. Shparlinski, T. Ward, AMS Surveys and Monographs, volume 104, 2003
- Character Sums with Exponential Functions and their Applications, S. Konyagin, I. Shparlinski, CUP 1999
- Finite fields: Theory and computation, I. Shparlinski, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999
- Number theoretic methods in cryptography: Complexity lower bounds, I. Shparlinski, PCS 17, Birkhäuser, 1999
- Computational and Algorithmic Problems in Finite Fields, I. Shparlinski, Kluwer 1992
- Zhai Shuai
- Andrei Shubin
- Dan Shumow
- Jerry Shurman
- Mark Shusterman
- Jonas Siaulys
- Nikita Sidorov
- Jeroen Sijsling
- Samir Siksek
- Lior Silberman
- Giorgos Siligardos
- Graham Sills
- Tomás Oliveira e Silva
- Alice Silverberg
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- Collected Papers V of Goro Shimura, Ed. Alice Silverberg, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Springer, 2016
- Arithmetic of $L$-functions, Ed. Cristian Popescu, Karl Rubin and Alice Silverberg, Volume 18, IAS/Park City Mathematics Series, AMS 2011
- Ranks of elliptic curves, K. Rubin, A. Silverberg, Bull. AMS. 39, 2002, 455-474
- Draft of PCMI Lecture Notes on Open Questions in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (Alice Silverberg) (ps file 803K)
- A report on Wiles' Cambridge lectures, K. Rubin, A. Silverberg, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 (1994), 15-38
- Joe Silverman
- Rational points on, and the arithmetic of, elliptic curves: A tale of two books (and an article), J.H. Silverman, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. January 5, 2017
- Some Problems of Unlikely Intersections in Arithmetic and Geometry, Umberto Zannier, with appendices by David Masser, Princeton University Press 2012, Review by Joe Silverman
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Sixth Edition, G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright, Edited by Roger Heath-Brown and Joseph Silverman, Foreward by Andrew Wiles, OUP 2008
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J.H. Silverman, Undergraduate Text, Springer, August 2008, Errata
- The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems, J.H. Silverman, Springer-Verlag Graduate Text 241, Spring 2007
- Book Review of Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves, S.A. Stepanov, Kluwer 1994 (by J.H. Silverman)
- Diophantine Geometry, An Introduction, M. Hindry, J.H. Silverman, Graduate Text 201, Springer 2000
- Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem, G. Cornell, J.H. Silverman, G. Stevens (Editors), Springer 1997 (Review: Kevin Buzzard)
- Arithmetic Geometry, (ed. J.H. Silverman, G. Cornell), Springer 1986
- The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, J.H. Silverman, 2nd edition, 2009, Springer Graduate Text in Mathematics 106
- Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, J.H. Silverman, J. Tate, (second printing), Undergraduate Text, Springer 1992, Review, William R. Hearst III; Kenneth A. Ribet, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1994), 248-252, Errata
- Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, J.H. Silverman, Graduate Text 151, Springer, 1994, Errata
- A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, J.H. Silverman, Prentice Hall, Fall 1996
- Introduction to Arakelov Theory, S. Lang, Springer 1988, Review, Joseph H. Silverman, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 171-176
- Raivydas Šimėnas
- Denis Simon
- Aleksander Simonič
- Christopher Sinclair
- Saurabh Kumar Singh
- Kaneenika Sinha
- Jonah Sinick
- Matti K. Sinisalo
- Warren Sinnott
- Nicolás Sirolli
- Olof Sisask
- Sankar Sitaraman
- Jimena Sivak-Fischler
- Marius Skałba
- Matthew Skerrit
- Christopher Skinner
- Berit Skjernaa
- Howard Skogman
- Alexei Skorobogatov
- Nils-Peter Skoruppa
- Ladislav Skula
- Neil Sloane
- Lejla Smajlović
- Nigel Smart
- Bart de Smit
- Reken mee met ABC (Bart de Smit, Gillien Geuze), Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (5th series) 8 (2007), 26-30
- Alexander Smith
- Barry Smith
- Ben Smith
- Ethan C. Smith
- Geoffrey Degener Smith
- Hanson Smith
- Chris Smyth
- Around the unit circle, James McKee, Chris Smyth, Springer Universitext, 2021
- Ramanujan's tau function τ(n) for n up to 1,000,000 (Chris Smyth)
- Number Theory and Polynomials, Ed. James McKee, Chris Smyth, Series: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 352, March 2008, CUP
- Nina Snaith
- Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory, Brian Conrey, David Farmer, F. Mezzadri, Nina Snaith, LMS Lecture notes 341, CUP 2007
- Recent Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory and Number Theory, Ed. F. Mezzadri, Nina Snaith, LMS Lecture notes 322, CUP 2005
- Random matrix theory and zeta functions, PhD thesis, Nina Snaith, University of Bristol 2000 (ps 3162K)
- Noah Snyder
- Anders Södergren
- Adriana Sofer
- Efthymios Sofos
- Ivan Soldo
- Ragnar Soleng
- David Solomon
- Jozsef Solymosi
- Anna Somoza
- Jack Sonn
- Keiju Sono
- Vijay Sookdeo
- Claus Sorensen
- Jon Sorenson
- Florence Soriano-Gafiuk
- K. Soundararajan
- Finite Fields, with Applications to Combinatorics, Kannan Soundararajan, AMS Student Mathematical Library, Volume 99, 2022
- Tao's resolution of the Erdös discrepancy problem, K. Soundararajan, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. September 11, 2017
- Mathematicians Discover Prime Conspiracy
- Notes on additive combinatorics K. Soundararajan
- Notes on transcendental number theory (Math 249A, 2010), K. Soundararajan
- Small gaps between prime numbers: The work of Goldston-Pintz-Yildirim, K. Soundararajan, Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (2007), 1-18
- Athanasios Sourmelidis
- Gökhan Soydan
- Gerson Sparer
- Craig Spencer
- Joel Spencer
- Lukas Spiegelhofer
- Jürgen Spilker
- Florin Spinu
- Johannes Sprang
- Florian (Ian) Sprung
- Ramesh Sreekantan
- Anitha Srinivasan
- Anupam Srivastav
- Priyamvad Srivastav
- Eric Stade
- Hayden Stainsby
- Katherine Stange
- Pantelimon Stanica
- Jim Stankewicz
- Valeriia Starichkova
- Harold Stark
- An introduction to number theory, H. Stark, Markham 1970
- Alexander Stasinski
- Ander Steele
- Damien Stehlé
- Andreas Stein
- William Stein
- Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, Barry Mazur, William Stein, CUP 2016, MAA Review
- Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets, William Stein, Undergraduate Text, Springer 2009 (freely available online)
- Ribet-Stein notes on Serre's conjecture (pdf)
- What is Riemann's Hypothesis? (Barry Mazur and William Stein)
- Math 583 at University of Washington: The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, lecture course (William Stein)
- Average ranks of elliptic curves: tension between data and conjecture, Baur Bektemirov, Barry Mazur, William Stein, Mark Watkins, Bull. American Math. Soc. 44, 233-254, 2007; also see experimental data
- Modular Forms, a Computational Approach, William Stein, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 79, AMS March 2007
- SAGE, Software for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation (William Stein)
- Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory, course notes by William Stein
- Algebraic number theory course book (William Stein)
- William Stein's photos of various number theorists
- An explicit approach to elementary number theory (Course notes by William Stein)
- Explicit approaches to modular abelian varieties, PhD thesis, William Stein, Berkeley 2000
- Modular forms database, by William Stein
- Lectures on Modular Forms and Hecke Operators (Ken Ribet and William A. Stein)
- The Congruent Number Problem (William Stein)
- Raphael Steiner
- Misja F.A. Steinmetz
- Wolfgang Steiner
- Rustam Steingart
- Lee Stemkoski
- Serguei Stepanov
- Codes on Algebraic Curves, S.A. Stepanov, Kluwer 1999
- Number Theory and Its Applications, Ed. Y.C. Yıldırın, S.A. Stepanov, Marcel Dekker 1998
- Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves, S.A. Stepanov, Kluwer 1994, Review by J.H. Silverman, Bull.AMS 33 (1996), 251-254
- Jacques Stern
- Leonid Stern
- Jörn Steuding
- Hurwitz's Lectures on the Number Theory of Quaternions, Nicola Oswald, Jörn Steuding, AMS 2023
- From Arithmetic to Zeta-Functions, Number Theory in Memory of Wolfgang Schwarz, Ed. Jürgen Sander, Jörn Steuding, Rasa Steuding, Springer, 2016
- Diophantine Analysis: Course Notes from a Summer School, Editor: Jön Steuding, Birkhäuser, 2016
- Elementare Zahlentheorie, Nicola Oswald, Jörn Steuding, Springer Lerhbuch XIII, 2015
- The mathematical work of Antanas Laurinčikas - an interim report, J. Steuding, Šiauliai Mathematical Seminar, Volume 3 (2008) 7-51
- Voronin Universality Theorem (Jörn Steuding-MathWorld)
- Value Distributions of L-Functions, Jörn Steuding, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1877, Springer, April 2007
- Diophantine analysis, Jörn Steuding, CRC Press/ Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, 2005
- Peter Stevenhagen
- Review by Hendrik Lenstra and Peter Stevenhagen of Solving the Pell Equation, Michael Jacobson Jr., Hugh Williams, CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer 2009
- Algorithmic Number Theory, Edited by Joe P. Buhler and Peter Stevenhagen, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications, December 2008 CUP, also see Preliminary version
- Number rings, local fields, elliptic curves, lecture notes by Peter Stevenhagen
- Glenn Stevens
- Famous Functions in Number Theory, Bowen Kerins, Darryl Yong, Al Cuoco, Glenn Stevens, IAS/PCMI--The Teacher Program Series, Volume 3, 2015
- Elementary Theory of L-functions and Eisenstein Series, H. Hida, LMS Lecture Notes 26, CUP 1993, Review, Glenn Stevens, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 67-71
- Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem, G. Cornell, J.H. Silverman, G. Stevens (Editors), Springer 1997 (Review: Kevin Buzzard)
- p-Adic Monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, G. Stevens, B. Mazur, Contemporary Mathematics 165, AMS 1994
- Shaun Stevens
- Cameron Stewart
- Henning Stichtenoth
- John Stillwell
- Jakob Stix
- Kenneth Stolarsky
- Michael Stoll
- Explicit Methods in Number Theory Rational Points and Diophantine Equations, Karim Belabas, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Pierrick Gaudry, Michael Stoll, Mark Watkins, William McCallum & Bjorn Poonen, Frits Beukers, Samir Siksek, Panoramas et synthèses 36 (2012)
- Introductory Number Theory (Course notes by Michael Stoll)
- Descent on Elliptic Curves (Course notes by Michael Stoll)
- Programs (Ratpoints, J-points), Ratpoints finds rational points on hyperelliptic curves, J-points searches for rational points on the Jacobian of a genus 2 curve (Michael Stoll)
- Elliptische Kurven I/II, (Lecture notes in German by Michael Stoll)
- Thomas Stoll
- Jeffrey Stopple
- Matthias Storzer
- Armin Straub
- Oto Strauch
- Marco Streng
- Roel Stroeker
- Fredrik Strömberg
- Andreas Strömbergsson
- Ulrich Stuhler
- Joshua Stucky
- Robert Styer
- Sujatha Ramdorai
- The Bloch-Kato Conjecture for the Riemann Zeta Function, John Coates, A. Raghuram, R. Sujatha, CUP 2015
- Galois Cohomology of Elliptic Curves: Second Edition, John Coates, R. Sujatha (publication of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
- Cyclotomic Fields and Zeta Values, John Coates, Ramdorai Sujatha, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, 2006
- Hiroki Sumida-Takahashi
- Qingfeng Sun
- Zhi-Hong Sun
- Zhi-Wei Sun
- New Conjectures in Number Theory and Combinatorics (in Chinese), Zhi-Wei Sun, Harbin Institute of Technology Press, 2021, ISBN:978-7-5603-4378-5. This book consists of 13 chapters, and contains 820 open conjectures in number theory and combinatorics posed by the author.
- Zhi-Wei Sun's square conjecture with prize
- Conjectures on Representations Involving Primes, Zhi-Wei Sun
- The 24-conjecture with $2400 prize (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Some mysterious representations of integers, a message to Number Theory Mailing List, October 25, 2015
- Problems on combinatorial properties of primes (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Super Twin Prime Conjecture, a message to the Number Theory List, Feb. 6, 2014, from Zhi-Wei Sun
- Unification of Goldbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture, a message to Number Theory List, January 29, 2014 from Zhi-Wei Sun
- Some new problems in additive combinatorics, Zhi-Wei Sun
- On some determinants with Legendre symbol entries, Zhi-Wei Sun
- Conjectures involving arithmetical sequences, Zhi-Wei Sun
- Combinatorial Number Theory in China (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- List of conjectural series for powers of π and other constants (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Open Conjectures on Congruences (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Mixed sums of primes and other terms (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Groups and Combinatorial Number Theory, a survey by Zhi-Wei Sun (pdf)
- Covering Systems, Restricted Sumsets, Zero-sum Problems and their Unification (Zhi-Wei Sun)
- Introduction to Bernoulli and Euler polynomials (Zhi-Wei Sun) (pdf file)
- Ade Irma Suriajaya
- Andrea Surroca
- B. Sury
- The congruence subgroup problem - an elementary approach aimed at applications,, TRIM Series, Vol. 24, Hindustan Book Agency
- Andrew Sutherland
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database, John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight, AMS Notices October, 2021
- Narrow admissible Tuples (related to
the Polymath project on prime gaps) (Andrew Sutherland)
- Partition class polynomials (Andrew Sutherland)
- Weber modular polynomials (Andrew Sutherland)
- Classical Modular Polynomials (Andrew Sutherland)
- Slides from Oberwolfach lecture series "Sieve theory and small gaps between primes" on the Polymath8 project on prime gaps
- Sato-Tate distributions (Lecture notes from the 2016 Arizona Winter School) Andrew Sutherland
- 18.785 Number Theory I (MIT, Fall 2019) (Andrew Sutherland)
- The sum-of-three-cubes for the number 3 has been solved by Andrew Booker and Andrew Sutherland
- 18.783 Elliptic Curves (MIT, Spring 2019) (Andrew Sutherland)
- Order Computations in Generic Groups, PhD thesis, Andrew V. Sutherland, MIT June 2007, Thesis abstract
- Masatoshi Suzuki
- Eeva Suvitie
- Cathy Swaenepoel
- Holly Swisher
- Lessini Sylla
- Autour d'une conjecture de B. Gross relative à l'existence de corps de nombres de groupe de Galois non résoluble et ramifiés en un unique premier p petit, PhD, Lesseni Sylla, Université Bordeaux, 2005
- László Szalay
- Endre Szemerédi
- Bogdan Szydlo
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Last modified 7th March 2025