number theorist names:H
- Andrew Haas
- Jaeho Haan
- Philipp Habegger
- Laurent Habsieger
- Yoshitaka Hachimori
- Peter Hackman
- Anna Haensch
- C. Douglas Haessig
- Tom Hagedorn
- Heekyoung Hahn
- Hahn, Sang Geun
- Farshid Hajir
- Lajos Hajdu
- Explicit Arithmetic of Jacobians of Generalized Legendre Curves Over Global Function Fields, Lisa Berger, Chris Hall, Rene Pannekoek, Rachel Pries, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Douglas Ulmer, Jennifer Park, Memoirs of the AMS 1295, AMS 2020
- Chris Hall
- Sean Hallgren
- Emmanuel Hallouin
- Immanuel Halupczok
- Karin Halupczok
- Asimina S. Hamakiotes
- Spencer Hamblen
- Samuel Hambleton
- Kyle Hambrook
- Safuat Hamdy
- Alia Hamieh
- William Hammond
- Jaroslav Hančl
- Jonathan Hanke
- Guillaume Hanrot
- Rajinder Jeet Hans-Gill
- David Hansen
- Brandon Hanson
- Wolfgang Happle
- Takashi Hara
- Ryotaro Harada
- David Harari
- David Harbater
- Gergely Harcos
- Number Theory, Analysis, and Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Paul Turan Memorial Conference held August 22-26, 2011 in Budapes, Ed. J, Pintz, A. Biró, K. Győry, G. Harcos, M. Simonovits, J. Szabados, De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 2013
- New bounds for automorphic L-functions, PhD thesis, Gergely Harcos, Princeton University 2003
- Günter Harder
- Eisenstein Cohomology for GLN and the Special Values of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions, Anantharam Raghuram, Günter Harder, Annals of Mathematics Studies 203, Princeton University Press, 2019
- The 1-2-3 of Modular Forms, Bruinier, J.H., van der Geer, G., Harder, G., Zagier, D., Springer Universitext 2008
- Seth Hardy
- Kevin Hare
- Glyn Harman
- Prime-Detecting Sieves, Glyn Harman, Princeton University Press 2007
- Metric Number Theory, G. Harman, OUP 1998
- Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums and their Applications in Number Theory, Edited by G.R.H. Greaves, G. Harman, M.N. Huxley, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Ajchara Harnchoowong
- Adam Harper
- Joshua Harrington
- Michael Harris
- Shimura Varieties, Ed. Thomas Haines, Michael Harris, LMS Lecture Notes 457, 2020
- The Perfectoid Concept: Test Case for an Absent Theory, Michael Harris
- Formes Automorphes (II): Le Cas Du Groupe GSp(4), Ed. Jacques Tilouine, Henri Carayol, Michael Harris and Marie-France Vigneras, Astérisque 302, 2005
- Introduction to the Langlands program, reviewed by Michael Harris, Bulletin of the AMS, 41 (2004), 257-266
- The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties, M. Harris, R. Taylor, Annals of Mathematics Studies 151, Princeton University Press, 2001
- Lecture notes on the local Langlands correspondence (Michael Harris)
- Holomorphic Hilbert Modular Forms, Paul Garrett, Wadsworth-Brooks-Cole, 1990, Review, Michael Harris, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1991), 184-195, Errata to the review
- Robert Harron
- William Hart
- Urs Hartl
- David Harvey
- Elchin-Hasanalizade
- Yuji Hasegawa
- Ryūta Hashimoto
- Maximilian Hasler
- Mehdi Hassani
- Jeffrey Hatley
- Shin Hattori
- Pentti Haukkanen
- Miriam Hausman
- Elmer Hayashi
- Shuichi Hayashida
- Alan Haynes
- Xiaoguang He
- Roger Heath-Brown
- Roger Heath-Brown: a Life in Mathematics, interviewed by Ben Green
- Arithmetic and Geometry, Ed. Luis Dieulefait, D.R. Heath-Brown, Yu. V. Manin, B. Z. Moroz, Jean-Pierre Wintenberger, CUP 2015
- Roger Heath-Brown (Wikipedia)
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Sixth Edition, G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright, Edited by Roger Heath-Brown and Joseph Silverman, Foreward by Andrew Wiles, OUP 2008
- The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, Second Edition, E.C. Titchmarsh, Second edition revised by D. R. Heath-Brown, OUP 1987
- Norbert Hegyvári
- Volker Heiermann
- Dennis Hejhal
- Ola Helenius
- Harald Helfgott
- Peter Hellekalek
- David Helm
- François Hennecart
- Thierry Henocq
- Doug Hensley
- Sebastián Herrero
- Florian Herzig
- Florian Hess
- Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
- Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
- Clemens Heuberger
- Randell Heyman
- Ghaith Hiary
- Hachem Hichri
- Haruzo Hida
- Elementary Modular Iwasawa Theory, Haruzo Hida, World Scientific, Series on Number Theory and Its Applications: Volume 16, 2021
- p-Adic Aspects of Modular Forms, Edited by Baskar Balasubramanyam, Haruzo Hida, A. Raghuram, Jacques Tilouine, World Scientific 2016
- Elliptic Curves and Arithmetic Invariants, Haruzo Hida, Springer Monograph in Mathematics, Springer 2013
- Geometric modular forms and elliptic curves, (second edition) Haruzo Hida, World Scientific, 2011, Review by Michael Berg
- Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory, Haruzo Hida, OUP 2006
- p-Adic Automorphic Forms on Shimura Varieties, H. Hida, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, 2004
- Modular Forms and Galois Cohomology, H. Hida, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CUP 2000
- On the Search of Genuine p-adic Modular L-Functions for GL(n), H. Hida, Memoires de la Société Mathématique de France, 1998
- Elementary Theory of L-functions and Eisenstein Series, H. Hida, LMS Lecture Notes 26, CUP 1993, Review, Glenn Stevens, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 67-71
- Murahara Hideki
- Titus Hilberdink
- A.J. Hildebrand
- Divisors, Richard R. Hall, Gérald Tenenbaum, Cambridge Tract 90, CUP 2008, Review, Adolf Hildebrand Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 159-165
- Richard Hill
- Wade Hindes
- Marc Hindry
- Jürgen Hinz
- Noriko Hirata-Kohno
- Minoru Hirose
- Michael Hirschhorn
- Markus Hittmeir
- Wei Ho
- Lê Thái Hoàng
- Leonhard Hochfilzer
- Mark van Hoeij
- IntBasis, a maple package for computing with algebraic curves (Mark van Hoeij)
- Martin Hofer
- Tommy Hofman
- Jerome William Hoffman
- Jeff Hoffstein
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J.H. Silverman, Undergraduate Text, Springer, August 2008, Errata
- Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and Analytic Number Theory, Ed. Solomon Friedberg, Daniel Bump, Dorian Goldfeld, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 75, AMS, Dec 2006
- On some applications of automorphic forms to number theory, Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 157-175
- Abigail Hoit
- Joshua Holden
- Judy Holdener
- David Holmes
- Andreas Holmstrom
- Roman Holowinsky
- Carina Letong Hong
- Jeff Hooper
- Azizul Hoque
- Fritz Hörmann
- Ivan Horozov
- Akinari Hoshi
- Fei Hou
- Robert Hough
- Patrick Hough
- Qin Hourong
- Thomas Houtmann
- Benjamin Howard
- Everett Howe
- John Hsia
- Ming-Lun Hsieh
- Catherine Hsu
- Daniel Hu
- Yong Hu
- Yongquan Hu
- Guodong Hua
- Bingrong Huang
- Jingjing Huang
- Yifeng Huang
- Zhizhong Huang
- James Huard
- Annette Huber-Klawitter
- Chris Hughes
- Hui Xue
- Central values of twisted L-functions, PhD thesis, Hui Xue, Columbia University, 2002
- Thomas Hulse
- Peter Humphries
- Joseph Hundley
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 1, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 129, 2011
- Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, Vol. 2, Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 130, 2011
- Siegel zeros of Eisenstein series on GL(n), PhD thesis, Joseph Hundley, Columbia University, 2002
- Bao Viet Le Hung
- Pin-Chi Hung
- Werner Hürlimann
- Mumtaz Hussain
- Kevin Hutchinson
- Benjamin Hutz
- Martin Huxley
- Martin Huxley's summary of the New York conference
- Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums and their Applications in Number Theory, Edited by G.R.H. Greaves, G. Harman, M.N. Huxley, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997
- Area, Lattice Points, and Exponential Sums, M.N. Huxley, LMS Monograph 13, OUP 1996 (with errata)
- The Distribution of Prime Numbers, M.N. Huxley, OUP 1972
- Duc Khiem Huynh
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